
The true work of art is but a shadow of the Divine perfection.

This week I learned that a painting by Rembrandt van Rijn, called The Night Watch, will undergo a very public restoration. Originally painted in 1642, it depicts a citizen watch group, and is considered a true masterpiece. It has had a rough life, to be sure.

During World War II, this painting was hidden in a cave with other valuable works of art, away from Nazi eyes—and survived. But in 1975, it was slashed by a man with a knife, leaving twelve deep scars on the canvas. Then in 1990, someone sprayed acid on the canvas, further damaging the veneer. Despite all this, The Night Watch was on display, exposed to ordinary light and pollution. It is in deep need of some renewal.

Indeed, the ordinary pace of daily living gets to us all, doesn’t it, causing casual damage we may not even notice until it’s nearly too late. Sometimes, the deepest damage lies so far below the surface, it’s invisible to the human eye. Our soul hurts.

So, too, the damage to this masterpiece is much greater than one might notice upon first glance. So the first step is to step back, make an honest assessment and remember the value of what lies beneath the surface.

Each one of us is a perfect masterpiece in the eyes of the Creator. Each of us has suffered, leaving invisible scars. Beneath the wear and tear of daily living, beyond the damage of painful life circumstance, that original masterpiece remains. Look in the mirror and see through God’s eyes. See the beauty—and spend time this week allowing God to heal the messy places. You are a thing of beauty—and a joy forever to Almighty God.

Monday For some, the “standard of giving” is a tithe, or 10%. Reflect for a moment on a typical day. How much time do you offer to the Almighty? Esther 4:12-14

Tuesday Pause today in front of a mirror. Look at yourself through God’s eyes. See only with love. Be thankful and rest. Ezekiel 31:2-9

Wednesday Does anyone in your neighborhood have a fall chrysanthemum? Stop for a moment and gaze deeply at these lovely gifts from God. Give thanks. Matthew 6:28-33

Thursday When was the last time you thought about the complex beauty of your physical body and the way it works? Pause and listen: to your fingers snapping, your heart beating, your tummy growling. Psalm139:14-16

Friday What is one of your attributes that you consider a unique part of who you are? Your voice? Your smile? The way you roll your eyes? (Ha!) This is part of the way the Creator created you. Give thanks. Colossians 1:15-17

Saturday Look around you, at the person next door or at the next table. See through God’s eyes. Pause and pray for another. Song of Songs 5:10

Sunday Greet one another this morning in holy love. Rejoice and be glad for the wonder of our church home and family. John 21:15-18

Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground.
–Pope Paul VI


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