There. Was that so hard???

I thank you God for most this amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, 
and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, 
which is infinite, which is yes. –e. e. cummings

This journey called life can really be a bear at times. One of the most important things we can teach our children, at least in this grandma’s mind, is how to make the journey just a little less difficult. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to practice appreciation.

Remember when you were little, and someone would give you a gift, or tell you what a pretty outfit you were wearing? And in the background, an adult voice would gently remind you:

What do you say, dear? And eventually, possibly under duress, we say please, or thank you, or no, thank you. Because that is what polite, kind people do, right? (There’s a lovely little book by this name, by Sesyle Joslin and Maurice Sendak, the funniest book of manners out there. Giggle and learn.)

But sometimes, kids really drag their heels. You would think saying thank you was worse than chewing broken glass. It doesn’t come naturally; it really is a learned skill.

Why is giving thanks so darned hard sometimes?

Meister Eckhart reminds us: If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, it will be enough. Start with a gratitude prayer. Some days, it may come through clenched teeth. Offer thanks, anyway. And discover how much easier it becomes, and how much better life seems.

Thank you. And thank God for you. You are Loved.

Monday Pause for a moment and reflect on our journey as a family of faith, as one congregation, united in a vision offered by God and brought to life in you. Give thanks. Galatians 3:26-28

Tuesday Give thanks to God for those in your life who are like family, whether blood relatives or simply dear friends. Choose at least one, and tell them how you feel. 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

Wednesday Pay attention to the strangers today with whom you interact, people in line, a cashier or server. Pray for them and their families. Philippians 2:5-11

Thursday Gratitude is an emotion best shared with another. Tell someone what you are grateful for, and praise God for his generosity. Isaiah 30:18

Friday When was the last time you walked barefoot—outdoors, if possible? Or sat on a bench with your toes nestled in the grass, seeking the soil beneath? Go for it. Psalm 23:1-3

Saturday Today, as you pray for yourself, ask God to show you a “little god” that is distracting you from truly thanking God with your life. Exodus 32:1-8

Sunday Pray for Christ’s joyful spirit to inhabit the Church in the Circle. How can you be a transmitter of joy? Thank God for his blessing on our lives together. Acts 2:42-47

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. 
Have you used one [or more] to say thank you?
 –William Arthur Ward


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