Hardest thing you'll ever do.

As you say goodbye to lingering disappointments and unattended grief, you will discover that every person, situation and painful incident comes bearing gifts. 
–Debbie Ford

There’s a quote from someone, along the lines of, “The minute you say hello, you begin to prepare to say goodbye.” It may sound trite, but it’s true. No one goes through life without saying goodbye many, many times; from the day we first head off to school, cheerfully (or tearfully) waving goodbye, our lives are filled with departures. Some goodbyes feel more like good riddance; most feel more like a piece of our heart is being cut out. Even as we profess a belief in so much more beyond this life, saying goodbye to someone hurts, especially when they’ve been part of our lives for a long time.

What to do? How to lessen the pain of saying goodbye? I wish I had some really great answers here, but I don’t. A lifetime of experience hasn’t made it any easier. Here’s what I’ve learned:

Most important, pay attention in life. Don’t take people and experiences for granted in your life. When someone shows an unexpected kindness—tell them you’re grateful. Make memories. Laugh. Give and love freely. Life, after all, is short.

People will come and go in your life. Some people, you’ll close the door behind them in blessed relief; others, your heart will plead for just one more moment, one more day.

Try to live your life in such a way that each day brings smiles, memories are great, and friends are sad to see you go. That’s true success.

Monday Many, many studies show that people come to church (or any event or service) because they were invited. Ask God to show you someone whom you could invite to worship. Pray for an opportunity to do so. John 1:26-27

Tuesday Listen today for the happy sounds of kids being kids. Give thanks for their lives. Pray for their caregivers and families. Genesis 26:24-25

Wednesday Pause today and pray for the leadership of our church family, both ordained and lay. Ask God to continue to impart wisdom. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Thursday Listen today for a sound that seems not to belong: a baby’s giggle in a nursing home, perhaps, or Beethoven from a boombox. Give thanks. Ephesians 5:19-20

Friday Try something new today: a new food or beverage, a new route to work or to walk. Reflect on the experience. Ecclesiastes 11:1

Saturday Believe you have the strength of will to be peace in a world of violence. Offer words of peace and a hug (after asking permission). Matthew 5:9

Sunday Believe in your miraculous capacity to give—and receive—unconditional love. Greet someone with reckless abandon this morning. Luke 10:25-37

The body is the one thing you have to say goodbye to. You can hold on to your memories. You can hold on to the spirit. That’s part of the package that you love and the part that comforts you. –Taya Kyle


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