Stepping into traffic

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both directions. –Margaret Thatcher

A long time ago, before Play Station and X-Box, there was . . .  Atari. One of the few games for Atari that I remember and enjoyed was Frogger. The premise behind Frogger was that the player is a frog trying to cross the road without getting smashed flat by high-speed traffic. I was never very good at it, but enjoyed trying to hop my way across the Interstate.

As children, our parents remind us not to play in the street. It’s just not a good idea, what with cars and all! But sometimes in life, things happen that force us, really, to leave the safety of the sidewalks and get involved.

Now might be just one such time.

In many corners of the world, including our corner, civil rights are being ignored. Some folks are deciding they deserve more, at the expense of others not like them. Some folks are even claiming God is ordaining them to positions of privilege and entitlement.

We are called and charged, as followers of the Christ, to give to those who have not, to speak for those who cannot. In today’s turbulent society, finding our voice—and using it-- becomes even more important.

Are you standing by watching, or are you a witness, in word and deed, to the loving Presence of God in all people?

Monday Open your eyes. Is there someone who needs you to advocate for them? Pray first; then follow God’s voice and guidance. Exodus 3:1-5

Tuesday What about you? Are you hurting alone, when there are folks who might help? Find the courage to ask for help where it’s needed. Give thanks for friends on the journey. 1 Kings 17:17-24

Wednesday Sometimes the thing we really need is rest. Today, give yourself a break. Take a nap; spend time in silence or alone. Let your soul recharge. Matthew 14:22-23

Thursday Now that you’re rested . . . what can you do today? Offer a random act of kindness to another. John 12:1-8

Friday As summer draws to a close, are you planning to enjoy a picnic this weekend? With whom might you share some extra food? Or invite to the picnic? John 6:1-13

Saturday If your weekend plans include gathering with family or friends, take a moment to express how much these special people mean to you. Luke 2:25-35

Sunday If you are on the road, consider worshiping at a different church while you’re gone. Look and wait for God to show up. (You know God will.) 1 Kings 19:11-13

When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world. 
–Elon Musk


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