This is REAL.

(This week’s reflection comes from Vicki Kemper, via Still Speaking
a daily devotional from the United Church of Christ.)

If you've spent any time in museums or wandered wide-eyed through an ancient city, you know how it goes: After a while, your brain just cannot absorb another factoid. . . . Ho-hum.

I was approaching the "ho-hum" stage recently as a tour guide described the stunning artifacts privately preserved inside a large, glass-enclosed case. Then the guide came to La Santa's cape, a heavy woolen thing grandly displayed. 

Suddenly her demeanor changed. She demanded our attention. She pointed to the nearly 500-year-old cape which, according to legend, would guarantee a safe and easy delivery to a pregnant woman who had been wrapped in it.

She said, "I believe! This is real."

It turns out that when our guide had been with child, the cloistered keepers of the cape had taken the holy relic out of the case and draped it across her shoulders. Later, after just 10 minutes' labor, the guide delivered a perfect baby girl.

"This is real!" the guide said again, her dark eyes burning with passion. She showed us a photo of herself wearing the cape, looking for all the world like a young Teresa of Avila. "I believe," she whispered.

What if our faith were like that? What if we allowed ourselves to be wrapped in grace, then called our friends to attention to share the real, life-giving ways God has broken into our lives?  

Chances are, the hearers would never forget it. Chances are, we wouldn't either.

Monday Spend some time “sitting with” a small passage of Scripture. Consider reading it aloud. Meditate on the words. Thank God for the gift of his Word. Psalm 23

Tuesday In your quiet time today, listen for points of disquiet or discord within your own soul. Ask God to guide you to peace. Proverbs 14:30

Wednesday Do you know someone who is serving as a missionary abroad? Pray for them, as they seek to shine the Light of Christ into some very dark corners. Zechariah 2:10-11

Thursday Many among us practice lighting a candle to offer an extra prayer for someone. If you use candles, offer a name as you light it, or offer a prayer as you light the room with the flip of a switch. 2 Samuel 22:29

Friday Listen today to the way you talk to yourself. Are you polite and loving? Pray that you might be gentle with yourself. Daniel 4:3

Saturday Gratitude is an emotion best shared with another. Tell someone what you are grateful for, and praise God for his generosity. Isaiah 30:18

Sunday Summer Worship is underway! Celebrate this different worship experience and give thanks for those who lead worship today. Ephesians 3:17-21

It doesn’t matter how you pray. Just pray. All religions are beautiful and they all have one common belief. There is something bigger and greater than us that can give us and take from us life. It is better than the here and now. –Mattie Stepanek


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