Growing pains?

Life is very interesting . . . in the end, some of your greatest pains, become 
your greatest strengths. –Drew Barrymore

Somewhere along the way, we got it wrong. Our Founding Fathers wrote of certain inalienable rights, but sometimes it seems the only one we are interested in is the pursuit of happiness. We watch Happy Days and eat Happy Meals; we are advised to “just grin and bear it,” “don’t worry, be happy,” and “put on a happy face!”

But let’s face it: sometimes, things just stink.

Our home life can be challenging. Our job can be a real bear. Some days, even getting out of bed can feel like a real effort. But we keep all this to ourselves, because after all, the Good News is all we need to be liberated, enthused—and happy. Right? (Nope.)

Think of the seeds we plant in our gardens. If plants are to sprout, they often have to endure scorching heat, devastating drought (or flooding)—or even passing through the digestive tract of a bird! (You thought you had it bad!) In life, we will be stretched, confronted and challenged to become more of who we are created to be. Our lives may have days of confusion; there will be tears and fears.

And—we will get through them, and come out stronger, better—and maybe even happier. But not without some pain and hardship. And you know what? That’s okay. You are never alone. Lean on one another.

Monday Where does it hurt? Is there something or someone in your past begging forgiveness? Ask God to guide your heart. Job 42:1-3

Tuesday We are a people who desire control. What one thing might you let go of—and feel better? Numbers 20:2-12

Wednesday Go outside. Sit. Listen. Breathe in life; breathe out love. Give thanks. 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Thursday Stay up past your bedtime tonight, turn out the lights, go outside or to a window—and look up. Enjoy the magnificence of the night sky. Give thanks. Psalm 121

Friday Did you know . . . August is the only month with no official holidays? Today, set aside time for a private celebration of a special moment you recall. Praise God. Psalm 119:49-50

Saturday Today, be honest with yourself. Is there something you need to do that you’ve been making excuses not to? Hold yourself accountable and just do it. Acts 5:1-10

Sunday Think (again) today about why you come to the Church in the Circle. Praise God for this special church family that is so much more than the sum of its parts. Amen? Acts 17:24-28

Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul? –John Keats


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