Social Media Jesus?

We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness. –Francis Chan

Facebook is a fascinating place. In the roughly ten years I have been doing ministry there, I’ve found it to be both wonderful and terrifying, educational and frustrating. Mostly, I find it’s a great way to learn more about people, and about life in general.

On Facebook, I have 477 “friends.” Most, but not all, of my friends, I have actually met. They are people with whom I share common interests, and whose online company I have come to enjoy. When my first husband died, one of the first people to reach out was a pastor in Australia who was nearly as devastated as I, seeking to help me make sense of Rich’s sudden death. Amazing place, Facebook.

I also have 200 “followers.” These are people who read what I write, but I’ve not actually admitted them to my circle of friends. That sounds like quite a lot, doesn’t it?

To put this into perspective, on Facebook, “Jesus” has 598,191 followers; “God” has over three million followers. Kinda puts my paltry list to shame, doesn’t it?

Stop and think for a minute: What if all those folks who follow Jesus and/ or God on Facebook actively did so in real life? What if, along with clicking ‘LIKE’ and moving on, we actually paused and reflected/ meditated/ prayed about what God’s true desires were? What if we listened more deeply for Jesus’ voice and stepped out in love, taking action in the face of poverty, anxiety and brokenness?

I’ll tell you what: The world would begin to change.

Monday What magazine or newspaper do you read regularly? Why did you choose this one? Read more closely today; look for where your heart goes. Ruth 1:16-17

Tuesday When you pick up a paper, where do you go first? (I confess: my first stop is the comics.) Have you thought about why? Matthew 6:33

Wednesday Take time today to “people watch” for a bit. Look for someone making a difference in the world; how might you follow their example? I Corinthians 1:27-28

Thursday Today marks the 94th birthday of someone who has only occasionally led me astray: my mother, Muriel McKeever. Whom do you credit with making you who you are today? Consider telling them. Revelation 11:15

Friday Who looks up to you as an example to follow? Pause and think about that. Pray as you feel led. Proverbs 28:26

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, meditate on the choices you make each day. Where could your walk draw more closely to God? Psalm 89:15-17

Sunday Why have you come to church this morning? Whom do you seek to follow? Ask God to help you see why you’ve come (and what brings you back each week). Psalm 42:1-2

We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts. –A. W. Tozer


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