Me, me, ME!

Being contented with God in my everyday life is a focused attitude. It is always available. It means letting go of my obsession with how I’m doing. It means training myself to learn to actually be present with people, and seeking to love them. –John Ortberg

Every now and then, I have these experiences during quiet time, when I am supposed to be focusing on God, when I realize there’s a problem. And that problem-- is me.

For me, the easiest way to quieting my spirit is to first allow it to get a little noisy with God, to give words to what’s really bugging me. (Truth be told? That’s often what drives me to quiet time in the first place: the need to unburden myself of the day’s stuff.)

Some days, it’s politics; some days, my family. Some days, believe it or not, it’s even my church! But the conversation is always pretty much the same, and goes something like this:

God, I am so tired of this. I cannot believe they’re still not getting it. God, can you please change their hearts? I really can’t take much more. My child. You know I love you. But it isn’t always about you. In fact, when you come to me, it shouldn’t be about you at all. But God, I need this. Hear my prayer. Child. Listen to my words! It’s not about you. Oh, God. But—Heidi. Beloved child. Be still. Be still, and know that I am God.

And about that time, when I stop for breath, God’s presence settles, and I realize God, of course, is right. It’s not about what I want or what I think is best. It is about opening my heart and my life to God’s wisdom and judgment—and then becoming part of God’s direction and guidance. Right? Yes. You got it.

Monday This week, for each day, mark it on your calendar. Set aside at least ten minutes to spend with God. Put it on your calendar. Tell someone your plans. Commit. Acts 2:25-26

Tuesday What’s your biggest fear today? In your committed time with God, give voice to this fear—and listen. Acts 2:42-47

Wednesday Are there things you used to do to serve God, but can’t anymore? Ask God to show you other ways you can serve—and listen. 1 Peter 2:20

Thursday Someone needs to hear from you. Today, pick up the phone or pick up your pen and reach out to someone in pain or in need. Give thanks. Psalm 23

 Friday If you are able, today take time to walk or sit outside. Listen to the sounds of the community around you. Listen for God’s whisper on the wind. John 14:1-2

 Saturday As you pray focused today on yourself (at last—it is about you!), be open before God about your pain as well as your hope and joy. Rest and give thanks. Acts 17:29-30

 Sunday In worship this morning, let your voice be joyful and free. Celebrate the beauty surrounding and inhabiting your sanctuary, whether in a church or in the great outdoors. God is there with you. Psalm 66:16

Have you ever struggled to find work or love, only to find them after you have given up? This is the paradox of letting go. Let go, in order to achieve. Letting go is God’s law. –Mary Manin Morrissey


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