I have decided.

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. –Theodore Roosevelt

I have decided.

In many evangelical circles of the church, at the end of every worship service comes an altar call, a chance to come forward, profess your faith in Jesus Christ and assure yourself that you will reside with Jesus in heaven for all eternity after you die. Making this decision for Christ is a rite of passage; for some folks, this is where it stops. My soul is safe. Thanks be to God.

I’ve made the decision to follow the Christ, but for me, it means more. If I am following Jesus, I am living my life here and now, until I die, as closely to the way Jesus lived as I can manage. So what does that mean? Here’s what I think:
  • Take care of one another. If someone is hungry or thirsty, if we see a need in the world—do something. Offer a sandwich. Offer a jacket. Offer a hug. 
  • Take care of the earth. All of Creation is a gift from God. Be a good caretaker of all living things, even if it means making sacrifices in our lifestyle.
  • Love one another. Besides taking care of each other, really try to see the Image of God in others, especially those with whom we have little in common. It can be hard work, but worth it.
  • Love yourself. Give yourself a break. Do something special and healing for your own spirit every day. That may be as simple as going to bed early. Just because.

Last, but definitely not least. Make time for God. Pray as often as you can manage. God loves hearing from you, no matter what, and loves reminding you how much God loves you.

Just because.

Monday Begin this day by investing thirty minutes (or more) in reading Scripture or a devotional passage. Really sit with it. Pray, listen—and rest. Matthew 6:19-21

Tuesday Just for “fun,” take a look at the stock exchange for recent weeks. Notice the ups and downs. Rest in the knowledge that your worth in God’s eyes never changes. Psalm 20:1-9

Wednesday Take time today to invest $1 (or more) in someone, whether a relative, a server at a restaurant or a total stranger. In blessing another, be blessed. Proverbs 28:25-27

Thursday Take time today to review your budget. (Where does the money go, anyway?) Don’t be critical; simply observe where your spending money goes. Any changes your heart suggests? Isaiah 28:16

Friday Spend thirty minutes (or more) with a child today. Listen more than you talk. Seek to be both teacher and student. John 14:1-4

Saturday Today, invest in at least one hour of loving yourself, just the way you are, as beloved child of God. Has your week been its own “stock market,” with ups and downs? Whatever your lot, give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Sunday Celebrate! You are a child of the Most High, part of the amazing family of God. Welcome, and know that you are loved. Just because. Ezekiel 43:1-5

A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided. –Tony Robbins


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