Eternity, NOW!

In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds. 
–Robert Green Ingersoll

Death is unavoidable, Try as we might, there is simply no way out of this life alive. Death and life are inseparably connected, making the promise of eternity even more tantalizing. We want to live forever—or if not ourselves, then someone we love.

But what if we actually do control what it means for someone to live forever? And what if eternity is something that happens here, in this world, after we die? I believe that’s exactly how eternity happens.

When someone we love dies, they leave behind stories. My father, for instance, served in World War II and was a soldier in charge of repairing jeeps at Omaha Beach. His task, I am told, was to keep the Army moving by making sure at least some of the jeeps were functional. He would take wipers off Jeep A and put them on Jeep B, pull brake pads off Jeep C and get Jeep B up and running—all this while the war was going on all around him. He was one of many, many unsung heroes.

And he lives forever because I tell his stories. This, to me, is an aspect of eternal life.

Think about it: Jesus lives on because someone long ago felt his life was significant enough to tell his stories, over and over again. And in our personal lives, Jesus lives on (I hope).

On this Memorial Day weekend, as we remember those who served bravely and selflessly, whose stories will you tell?

Monday Memorial Day Pause today and give thanks for those who willingly gave their lives so that others might live. We will always remember. 1 Chronicles 16:8-12

Tuesday Reflect today on the hardest thing you ever had to do as a child. Maybe it was moving to a new neighborhood or staring a new school. Tell your story to someone you love. 1 Corinthians 13:11-13

Wednesday Pause today and pray for the leadership of our church family, both ordained and lay. Ask God to continue to impart wisdom. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Thursday Pray for those who are working together as we embark on this journey of evolving leadership. Give thanks for their willingness to serve. Deuteronomy 8:2

Friday Close your eyes and remember a time when God felt especially close. Pray for God’s presence to continue to be manifest at Church in the Circle. Numbers 9:15-23

Saturday Is there an area in your life that needs change? Maybe it’s something as small as throwing something away. Spend some time in prayer about a needed change. Exodus 12:31-42

Sunday Feeling hungry today? Want to connect with these fellow travelers on the journey? Come to the Table for Communion. All are welcome at Christ’s Table. John 6:5-13

From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity. 
–Edvard Munch


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