The Power of One

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. 
–Jimi Hendrix

On January 21, the day after we inaugurated a new president, many Women’s Marches were organized and took place around the country and across the globe. Women and men gathered together to peacefully make their voices heard. They carried signs, they marched and sang. They made new friends and loved one another.

Some reports indicated there were over 3.6 million participants in over 500 organized marches. That is a lot of people—and a lot of marches.

But they forgot to count one march.

My friend Beth lives in a small town in Ohio. She couldn’t get to any of the organized marches, so she decided to have her own march.

She put her black Lab on a leash, made a beautiful sign that read WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS. And she and her dog walked up and down the streets of her small town, praying as they walked. Some folks came out and cheered her on, but she wasn’t doing it for the accolades.

Beth chose to march alone because she knows, in her heart, the power and strength each one of us has in the eyes of the Almighty. Justice does not always happen in big movements; often, justice begins in the small, quiet prayer of the heart of one Power-filled woman (and her dog).

God bless you, Beth. May we find courage to act, even if we act alone. Amen.

Monday This week, go MAD (Make A Difference). Today, check the sofa cushions and your pockets for loose change. Donate them to a person or cause who needs it more than you do. Matthew 25:40

Tuesday Share the Love today. Smile more. Gripe less (or not at all). Silently pray for a stranger. 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Wednesday Give yourself some extra love today, whether it’s a special food or something extravagant like a manicure. You deserve to be loved. Psalm 41:1

Thursday Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Who could you surprise with a card or love note? The list may be long. Go for it. Psalm 40:1-3

Friday Notice today when you see someone hurting. Pray for that person. If possible, let them know you’re thinking of them. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, remember God wants to know. You don’t have to pretend to be strong or whole. Rest in God’s strength (not your own). 1 Peter 5:7

Sunday What better way to praise God than to come together and be grateful for one another? Greet someone you don’t usually greet. Ask how they are—and listen carefully to the answer. Is there something you can do for them? Matthew 5:13-16

When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful. –Malala Yousafzai


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