On Purpose.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. –Albert Schweitzer

There’s a new movie coming out called A Dog’s Purpose, and we were fortunate enough to attend a screening the other night. (No spoilers, but while the movie was quite good, don’t be deceived by its PG rating. Younger, sensitive children might find a couple of scenes troubling.) Anyway. . . .

Throughout the dog’s experience of life, first as a red Labrador, then a German shepherd, a Welsh corgi and a mix, Bailey reflects on his purpose. Why, he wonders, was he put on this earth? What was he supposed to accomplish? Pretty heady thought for a dog.

By the end of the movie, after many trials and triumphs, Bailey came to his own conclusion as to why he was created, born and reborn. And while we humans only go around once in life (at least as far as we are aware), Bailey’s purpose evolves over time. Like us, he questions, seeks, explores—and life unfolds before him, revealing his purpose. The same thing happens for each one of us, if we are paying attention.

Bailey’s conclusion: A dog’s purpose in life is to be here. Now.

The same is true for each one of us. The best we can do in our one life is to be fully present, to God and to one another, now.

Monday Choose one person in your life and ask them what they need in 2017. How can you be most supportive to them? Pray together. Genesis 2:18

Tuesday Be a loving, anonymous presence today. Place a note of encouragement in a pocket, on a stranger’s car, a bathroom mirror—be creative. Imagine their reaction. Matthew 6:2-4

Wednesday Be a safe space for someone today. Offer comfort. Offer to pray—and then do it. Job 29:23-25

Thursday Choose three people. Share with them three hopes and one fear for 2017. Ask them to share theirs—and listen. Ephesians 4:25-28

Friday Call or visit someone today who will be surprised to hear from you. Give thanks for their presence in your life. Philippians 1:3-6

Saturday In your prayer time today, be especially kind to yourself. Listen for God’s loving word to your soul. Remember Jesus’ commandment to love everyone, including yourself. Joshua 22:5

Sunday As we come to worship again, look around you at the beautiful diversity of the Kingdom. Reflect again on your Purpose. Mark 1:16-18

The trouble with many people is that they have got just enough religion to be miserable. . . . If you have no joy in your religion, there’s a leak in your faith. –Billy Sunday


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