No offense. (Really?)

Offence is important; that’s how you know you care about things. Imagine a life where you’re not offended. So dull. –Marcus Brigstocke

The internet is a wonderful place. And the internet is an awful, heartless place.

On the one hand, there are people who become so empowered by the seeming anonymity of virtual communities like Facebook, they say anything and everything with barely a thought of how it will be received by its audience.

On the other hand, there are people who are so completely consumed by fear and worry that their words might offend their reader, they tiptoe through important, potentially meaningful conversations and take no position at all. In contrast to those strident, hurtful tones, these folks come across as mushy and wishy-washy.

Surely there is a better way. (I am certain of it.)

It’s a pretty safe bet that no matter what we say, someone is going to take offense. (That’s just the way people are.) Remember, strong leaders who truly feel called to change the world—people like Jesus, for instance—come into the game knowing their call for change is not going to be well-received by everyone. Those of us who seek to follow the Christ also understand: if change is to happen, folks will be offended.

Choose your words carefully. Aim to love.( Even love, at times, can be offensive.)

Love anyway, and love extravagantly. It’s that important.

Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Call or have lunch today with someone who is very different from you in some way, whether in appearance, age or politics. Really listen and enjoy. Luke 2:36-38

Tuesday Really focus on being a light in the darkness. Smile. Make eye contact. Make your corner of the world a better place. Psalm 9:1-2

Wednesday Just for fun today, compliment a stranger. If you see someone having a good hair day, let them know! J Proverbs 27:1-2

Thursday Do a random act of kindness today, and try not to get caught. Do something that’s not your responsibility. Lighten the load of another. Matthew 11:28-30

Friday Are you an “elevator singer”? Maybe you sing in the car? Today, let someone hear the song in your heart. And—listen for theirs. Psalm 150

Saturday Do you have a To Do List? Today, prayerfully think of those things you do as a list of ways to love. Do little things in a big way. Psalm 40:4-5

Sunday Take a day off today from complaining. Really listen to your words. Speak kindly to everyone today. That is true worship! Romans 11:33-36

Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high 
that the offense cannot reach it. –Rene Descartes


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