That time of year again. . . .

To him shall prayers unceasing and daily vows ascend;
His Kingdom still increasing, a kingdom without end.
--James Montgomery (UMH #203)

It’s almost that time of year again, when churches everywhere begin grappling with stewardship issues (read: budgets and money) and we revisit once more who we are and who we are called to be as a church and as the Church. This prayer project was begun, in a sense, as a stewardship offering, guiding us along our path as we seek to draw ever closer to God. Many come here, to this place, with the same goal: to draw closer to God.

People might come to UCUMC for the first time because we are near where they live or work, or maybe
 they saw our “holy oilcan.” Maybe they heard about our magnificent organ; but they will return because they experience the irresistible, winsome love of the Christ moving in our midst. And they liked what they experienced. They long for more.

We don’t get to “choose” who walks through the front doors of any church. God sends whom God sends. Our primary task is to open our hearts, to see the divine image of the Creator in whomever crosses our threshold, and to mean it in our hearts when we say, “All are welcome here.”*

*No asterisks. As God welcomes us, now we are called to welcome others.

Monday Many, many studies show that people come to church (or any event or service) because they were invited. Who is God nudging you to invite? John 21:26-27

Tuesday Pause and reflect on the unconditional love Christ offers to each one of us, just as we are. Give thanks and rest. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Wednesday\ Is there chaos in your life? Pray that God would bring peace, comfort and hope to an area of your life that feels out of control. Give thanks and rest. Isaiah 42:5-9

Thursday Who has had an influence on your faith journey? Pause and remember, and consider writing them a note of thanks. Ask God to guide your heart in being a light to others. Pass it on. Acts 2:42-47

Friday John Wesley saw value in small group meetings as a way to deepen relationships. As our small group meetings continue, consider where you find relationship at UCUMC. Thank God for this family. 1 Samuel 12:22-24

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, listen. Is the Spirit leading you in a new direction? Pray for clarity and for courage to follow faithfully. Exodus 4:10-12

Sunday As we gather this morning to worship, meditate on the words we sing in the hymns of the day. As St. Augustine observed: The one who sings, prays twice. Give thanks and lift your voice! Isaiah 42:10-11

With so much effort being poured into church growth, so much press being given to the benefits of faith, and so much flexing of religious muscle in the public square, the poor in spirit have no one but Jesus to call them blessed any more. –Barbara Brown Taylor


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