Don't talk about it. Please!

It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake. –Margaret Thatcher

It’s that time of year again in churches everywhere: stewardship time. Time to look at our budgets, look at our giving, and figure out how to make the two line up.

And in some churches, the real challenge seems to be how to make this all happen without actually talking about it. Somewhere along the line, we decided that in our efforts to be like Jesus, to be in the world but not of the world, that meant money belongs in the world. Therefore, while our churches need money to continue doing what we do, we don’t want to hear anyone talk about money. Eww. (Which begs the question: how will folks know our needs if we don’t talk about them?)

But here’s a news flash: Jesus, after whom we are trying to model our lives, is recorded in the New Testament talking about money more than any other single topic. More than he spoke about heaven and hell—combined. In fact, in eleven of thirty-nine parables, the topic was money. The only thing he spoke about more than money was the Kingdom of God.

And arguably, as Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God, that includes speaking of how we are called to use our resources (including our money) to help bring about a world that more closely resembles the Kingdom of God.

So go ahead. Talk budgets. Talk giving. Talk about giving more. And once you begin the conversation, set the example. Walk the walk, hand in hand with Jesus.

Monday Do you know where your Bible is? How often do you (try to) read it? How do you feel about that? Pray. 1 Chronicles 28:9

Tuesday Do you have other devotional or faith-related resources you enjoy? Consider sampling The Upper Room, Daily Bread or another. (Ask Heidi if you’d like suggestions.) Luke 2:41-52

Wednesday Think for a moment. During the week, do you carry the Sunday service in your heart and into the world? Are you truly a “living Gospel”? Proverbs 6:23

Thursday Today, consider reading something you expect to disagree with, whether an editorial or magazine, tract or even Bible verse. Seek understanding. Pray. Psalm 37:23-24

Friday As we draw nearer to All Saints’ Day, give thanks for those in your life who have helped guide your steps along your faith journey. Ephesians 1:15-19

Saturday Today, pray for yourself, that Christ’s Holy Spirit would strengthen your faith while allowing your curious mind to seek the answers it desires. Matthew 6:33

Sunday Pray this morning for those who are unable to worship with us. Consider calling or sending a note to a friend or other “missing saint.” Romans 8:26-27

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough; money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So spread your love everywhere you go. –Mother Teresa


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