Listen to yourself.

Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. 
Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. 
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me:
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. –Shel Silverstein

From the time we enter the world, we receive messages telling us how to behave, what to do to be accepted. Parents, teachers, friends—virtually everyone we encounter, in one way or another, offers input into how to get along in the world. And much of the time, we accept these words and actions without question, without really stopping to think if it’s best for us.

In fact, many times, we may begin to question and find we haven’t the courage, strength or knowledge to change our beliefs. Or we may be awash in guilt for considering discarding a cherished belief. But if we are to grow, change is oh, so necessary.

There is a house I pass by regularly. I know the family: very devout, very conservative; many children. Their front yard is filled with signs for candidates, including one for a candidate whose stock is currently plummeting. That was last week.

This week, as “stuff” began to come out regarding this candidate’s degradation of women, a wonderful thing happened.

The sign for that candidate disappeared. Someone in that family found the courage to stand tall, admit things change (and so must we)—and has shown his children how it’s done.

What about you? Listen to your own heart and soul. What is your life saying to your family and friends? Is there a change you need to consider?

Monday First thing in the morning, stand at a window and watch the world wake up for a few minutes. (If it’s warm enough, open the window and listen.) Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21

Tuesday Take a walk outside today. Is it breezy? How does the sun (or rain) feel on your face? What about weather do you love—and what, not so much? Joel 2:28-29

Wednesday What can you do to help those in need of basic shelter or food in your community? Consider volunteering or making a donation. Isaiah 66:13

Thursday Pause today and meditate on how the Spirit has worked in or through your life, whether through big ways or small. Give thanks. 2 Peter 1:16-21
Friday  As we draw closer to a new month on the calendar, consider making a mini-resolution, as you may have done in January. Make a pledge to keep just for 30 days. Tell someone. Job 33:1-4

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, consider inviting the Spirit to refresh your soul, breathe new life into your spirit or otherwise make her presence known. Give thanks and rest. Psalm 121

Sunday Focus today simply on worship. Try to forget about the other six days of the week, both behind and ahead. Give God your reverent attention and praise. Hebrews 3:7-11

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. –Winston Churchill


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