What did you expect???

Life. . . . It tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations. 
–Richard M. DeVos

It’s virtually impossible to approach any situation and not have some expectations of what’s going to happen. If the coffee’s steaming, we expect it to be hot. We go to Playhouse Square; we expect to see a really good show. We see a big Blue Light at the department store; we expect to find a super good deal. There are sights and sounds that lead us to anticipate what lies ahead. That’s the way things work.

I wonder: when you come to church, what do you expect to happen here? What brings you back, week after week, even in the snow and cold of a Cleveland winter?

On any given Sunday, there may be music. What if there were no music—or someone replaced the hymns with praise tunes?

Is there usually a sermon or message? Is that what keeps you returning week after week?

Maybe it’s the smiling greeter meeting you at the door. Are you disappointed when she’s not there? If your pew is empty (except for you), are you still glad you came?

When you come to church on Sunday morning, do you come seeking and expecting to find God? Are you anticipating an encounter with the Holy Spirit? Is this why you come—to engage with the One who loves you, even when you feel unlovable?

The one thing you can count on, week after week, is this: If you come seeking God, God is already here. And rejoicing that you came.

Monday Continue to hold your church leaders in prayer. Give thanks for their wisdom and leadership. What might they expect from you? Psalm 22:3-5

Tuesday As you are quiet today, think about our magnificent building and its needs. Search your heart; how are you willing to support the Trustees in what needs to be done? Psalm 130:5-6

Wednesday Pause for a moment and reflect on our journey as a family of faith, not as two congregations, but one, united in a vision offered by God and brought to life in you. Has it happened as you thought (or hoped) it would? Give thanks for your faith family. Galatians 3:26-28

Thursday Now, think about tomorrow, the days and dreams that lie ahead for Christ's Church. Ask God what gifts you bring to this adventure. Galatians 5:22-26

Friday Patience, according to some, simply means keeping busy and doing something while we wait. What will you do while we await the Reign of God in our world? Mark 1:15

Saturday Today, write a letter. (You do not need to mail it, and there are no points for spelling or penmanship.) Write about what it means, to you, knowing the Most High loves you like no other. Matthew 8:1-5

Sunday Look around for signs of the One True God who never changes. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

If you align expectations with reality, you will never be disappointed. –Terrell Owens


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