Making a splash

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim, you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax and float. –Alan Watts

There’s a powerful image in Scripture: John baptizing his cousin Jesus. At first John balks, but Jesus insists, and as Jesus comes up out of the water, the heavens open; the Spirit, like a dove, descends, and a voice is heard, loud and clear:

This is my son, my beloved. In him I am well-pleased. (Luke 3)

It’s a pretty amazing passage, meant to remind us of our own place in God’s family as beloved children of the Most High. But I recently read a different interpretation of what happened in that moment, and it has set my mind to musing—and set my heart on fire.

We tend to look at Jesus’ baptism the same way we view our own baptism: as an outward sign of God’s holiness within, affirming Jesus (and each of us) as God’s child. But what if that’s not what was happening here, after all?

What if, as Jesus enters the water, the humble presence of God (in human form) enters the River Jordan, as well—and from there, flows out into all of Creation, restoring holiness and purity, healing and wholeness? What if baptism is really about joining the family, not to ensure a seat at the Table, but to actively empower and engage us in the work of preparing for Reign of God?

Salvation is about so much more than “Jesus and me for eternity.” What if baptism is really about Kingdom building? Are you in? What gifts and talents will you bring to the effort?

Monday Winter has arrived. Nature’s vitality has slipped away into the appearance of death. Take a short walk today and notice the beauty that continues. Ezekiel 37:3-6

Tuesday Not everything “goes dark” for the winter. Look around with new eyes. Where do you see freshness and hope in the midst of frozen? Daniel 6:25-27

Wednesday Do you see homeless men or women (or families) in your neighborhood? Winter is especially difficult. How can you help those you see—and those you do not see? Matthew 25:42-43

Thursday Have you heard of the Mountain of Butterflies? January marks the anniversary of the discovery of this amazing monarch migration. Learn more about God’s “snowbirds.” Psalm 103:1-5

Friday Pause today and listen to your heart. Is it trying to tell you something you’ve not wanted to hear? What’s holding you back from moving forward? Joshua 5:13-15

Saturday Continue the pause from yesterday. Ask God how God would best be served in your life. Rest for the journey ahead. 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Sunday Is your heart glad this morning as you come to worship? Take time to reflect on what you brought to the altar—and what you took away. 1 Kings 19:41-45

Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. –John Muir

Image result for water splashing


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