Move over.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called . . . Life.

It’s happened again. Just about the time things settle down and we begin to get on with our lives, something else happens. Our world is rocked by another announcement, another injustice in our community. And again, our joy has been squelched, replaced by sadness, grief and disillusionment. And for this day, it’s easy to understand why. Sometimes it really feels as though God has lost this round.

How we react to bad things happening in the world is always a choice. Grief over broken promises and damaged dreams is necessary and important. Problem is, if we aren’t careful we can put down roots in the brokenness of yesterday and endanger tomorrow’s harvest. Much as we would like, we cannot change or undo what’s happened.

But we can change what happens next time. When the tears grow fewer and the shouts of anger turn to sighs, then comes the time to make a difference for today and for tomorrow. What needs to change? And more importantly—how can I be involved in making change happen? Ours is a God of Love, of Peace—and of Hope. In the face of challenges, God still is.

After the grief, link arms and step out as one: in love, in voice, in purpose. Yesterday is done, but before us lies an ocean of tomorrows. Don’t be afraid to jump in.

Monday Think today about how you pray-- not the words, but your attitude. Try something a little different. Consider journalling the experience. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Tuesday Listening is easier when your surroundings are quiet. Seek silence today, both within and without. Zephaniah 3:17

Wednesday As the year gets underway, pause and give thanks for the many ways you were blessed in 2015—even when you didn’t realize it at the time. Genesis 28:16-17

Thursday Every day is a new beginning; every year, a clean slate. Make a resolution that will affect your spiritual life. Pray for commitment to fulfill it. Genesis 12:2-3

Friday Pray today for current and future world leaders. Pray for their wisdom, and for a spirit of peace to prevail. Psalm 119:169-172

Saturday Praying for yourself today, seek direction for a way you can make a difference in your world, whether through volunteering at your church or perhaps donating your time in another way. Mark 1:35

Sunday Consider inviting someone to join you this morning at Church in the Circle. As you worship, give thanks for this amazing church family. Colossians 3:15-17

Not all is doom and gloom. We are beginning to understand the natural world and are gaining a reverence for life—all life. –Roger Tory Peterson


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