You don't say. . . .

I am very little inclined on any occasion to say anything unless I hope to produce some good by it. –Abraham Lincoln

You don’t say. . . .

Isn’t it fun to tell people news? Especially good news? Have you ever watched children, running as hard as they can, panting and pushing, tripping over one another, each trying to get home first, to be first to tell their grownup some Really Big News?

Mommy, mommy—guess what? I got 100% on my spelling test!

Daddy—I roller-skated all the way to the corner and back, and I didn’t fall down once!

The teacher had a baby! And it’s a boy!

When the news is good, it seems there’s nothing that can stop us from shouting it from the rooftops. Usually.

For many of us (me, included), when it comes to sharing the Really Good News of the Gospel of the Love of God, we fall silent. Our eyes drop to the floor. We scuff our toes nervously and look for the exit.

Someone told me recently, one of the things she loves about church is being able to talk about her faith and pray without feeling, you know—weird, and uncomfortable. People we work with just don’t understand.

Why do we struggle so to share the work God has done and continues to do in our lives?

What if we shared our faith and trust in the Almighty as readily as we share cartoons on Facebook?

Monday Pause for a minute and think about what this Gospel message of Good News really means to you. Give thanks. Philippians 2:6-11

Tuesday Ask a friend or family member what the message of the Gospel means to them. Is it the same as what you believe? Share more. John 12:13

Wednesday Summertime means Vacation Bible School in many churches. Did you attend VBS as a child? Tell someone your favorite memory. Pray for VBS programs in your community. Proverbs 22:6

Thursday What is the best news you have ever heard? Who told you—and who did you tell? Have you spoken with them recently? John 11:38-44

Friday Pause and remember a time you had to share bad news with someone. Was there something you did to make it easier? Pray for the recipient of the news. 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, remember when you first believed in the message of God’s unfailing love. Give thanks. Jeremiah 1:4-5

Sunday Worship is a time to gather and praise God. Whether you choose to praise and celebrate with song or words, prayer or rest, enjoy this time together. Welcome home. Isaiah 6:1-8

When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret. –Shannon L Alder


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