Playing it safe

You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. –Barbara De Angelis

But we’ve always done it this way! 

Seven words that bring innovative and creative thought grinding to a halt. One sentence that can single-handedly squelch enthusiasm quicker than a wet blanket on a campfire. Seven deadly words dedicated to preserving the status quo.

Stop for a moment and think: If a seed could refuse to change, or a child refuse to grow, ultimately it would die. In the beginning, formlessness, guided by the hand and spirit of the Almighty, was changed and transformed, growing and becoming all that is. But I believe it didn’t stop there. I believe all Creation continues to change, a constant metamorphosis, in big ways and small.

And—I believe the Church and all its members, if we are truly part of God’s good creation (and we are), are called to change, as well. Not to do something different just because we can, but to transform and reform in ways that reveal the Imago Dei, the image and likeness of God, within each one of us. And looking for God in others means allowing more of God to settle into our own souls, as well. (That probably means less room for a lot of other stuff, like fear, arrogance, stubbornness. . . .)

This week, I encourage you to look deeper. What’s holding you back, and who else are you holding back, intentionally or not? Doing things the same old way out of fear or stubbornness or selfish pride, leads eventually to failure or death, where we are called to have and offer abundant life to all.

Monday Pray today, simply, for peace within your soul. If there is something or someone whose presence in your life is troubling, pray for your relationship. Rest. Amos 5:24 

Tuesday Pray for the community in which you live. Then pray for the surrounding area that touches your community. Ask God’s grace and blessing. Psalm 146:5-10

Wednesday It can be easy to forget that after a tragedy, life doesn’t look like it did before. Pray today for Ferguson, Missouri, and for Baltimore, Maryland. Habakkuk 1:2

Thursday Our beautiful city has also faced controversy and crisis. Pray for the city of Cleveland, its leaders, preachers, and safety officers, and for the families of those who have died in violence. Jeremiah 31:15

Friday Pray for the people of Charleston, South Carolina, and for our brothers and sisters of Emanuel AME Church. Watch for opportunities to reach out. Listen for your heart and God’s voice. Jeremiah 31:16-17

Saturday As you pray for yourself, look deeply. Where is your heart hardened? How can you respond to violence—without becoming violent? Isaiah 60:17-19

Sunday Some would have you believe the world is a scary, unsafe place. As we gather today, be intentional in offering light, hope, and unconditional love. Isaiah 61:1-3

The death rate for those who play it safe and for those who live boldly is the same. –Patti Digh


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