Always something

If you haven’t all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have, that you wouldn’t want. –Unknown

Some days (weeks?) are like that. It seems as if nothing is going the way we would like it to go, in big ways and small. Everyone has those days; yet, somehow, we take little consolation in that fact. Misery may love company, but right now—just leave me alone and let me stew. . . .

One of my favorite children’s books is called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by Judith Viorst (New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1987). The unfortunate protagonist’s day begins with gum in his hair, and it goes downhill from there: he drops his favorite sweater in the toilet, and at breakfast, when everyone else finds a super duper decoder ring or some other fancy schmancy toy in their breakfast cereal, all Alexander finds—is cereal.

And it doesn’t get much better. Everything, it seems, goes wrong. The entire universe seems to be conspiring against him! And worst of all, nobody seems to care. Nobody!

I am having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! Alexander cries. And his (very wise, loving) mother doesn’t even look up from washing dishes as she replies. Some days are like that. Even in Australia.

Truer words were never spoken.

Even on our truly lousy days, there is always something to be grateful for. And some days, that may be simply that the day is almost over. Best of all? Tomorrow is another day. And it’s already tomorrow in Australia.

Monday Today, be aware of your waiting behavior. When you are in line or waiting for an elevator, how does it “feel” inside? Psalm 40:1-3

Tuesday Pause today and pray for work crews in your neighborhood, men and women laboring to make the world a better place. Give thanks. Isaiah 30:18

Wednesday Reflect on a time when your circumstance felt beyond your control. If this is painful, acknowledge that with God. Rest in God’s grace. Titus 2:11-14

Thursday Reflect today on the greater Church. Honestly consider how well we as a congregation model the Church which Jesus calls us to be. Pray God continues to be our true leader. Malachi 2:15

Friday Allow God to look in your heart today and show you a place where you hold bias. (We all do.) Ask for forgiveness. Psalm 19:12-14

Saturday Give thanks today for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Pray for those around the world suffering religious persecution (and not just Christians). 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

Sunday As we gather for worship, give thanks for your family of faith, and pray again for those who lead, both professional and lay. How is God calling you to serve? Daniel 12:3

Well, you know, twenty-five years ago, when I had the stroke, I thought I was dead. So every day since then has just been bonus! ---Len Seyfarth


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