Rounding third and heading for home

A true friend encourages us, comforts us, supports us like a big easy chair, offering us a safe refuge from the world.—H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

We are almost there. We have paused to remember the promise of the Prophet Isaiah (64:1-9) as we lit the Candle of Hope. We conjured up images of a wild man clothed in camel’s hair (Mark 1:1-8), and lit the Candle of Love. Last Sunday, we heard about John’s call from God (John 1:19-28), reflected, perhaps, on where God is working in our lives, as we lit the Angel’s Candle, the pink Candle of Joy. Finally, this week we light the Candle of Peace. The waiting is almost over, the journey nearly complete.

Peace. It’s an elusive thing, isn’t it? We know, far too well, it seems, how to wage war, but we can’t seem to figure out how to “wage peace.” Maybe that’s what this season of waiting is for: to give us good reason to slow down and remember.

Remember shepherds, lowly and uneducated—yet these are the ones with whom the angel first shared the Good News.

Remember Wise Men, not Jewish Pharisees or Roman soldiers, seeking the Christ Child in a manger.

Remember Mary. And Joseph. And Elizabeth. And Zechariah. And on and on. Peace comes in realizing God used them all, inviting them and us to come, see the new thing God is doing. Offering the invitation to believe that we, too, are part of a greater Plan we may never understand, but knowing, trusting that the door is open wide, and it’s time to come home. Welcome home. You are safe here.

Monday Reflect today on a time when God’s promise came to pass in your life. Give thanks. 2 Samuel 7:5-11

Tuesday How do you respond when you recognize an open door in your life? Are you quick to respond or reluctant or timid? Luke 1:26-38

Wednesday It’s Christmas Eve. Take a few minutes to stand outside seeking a star in your life. Listen to the pensive quiet of the night. Matthew 2:1-12

Thursday Christmas Day Tell a family member of friend about a favorite Christmas memory. How are you feeling—this year? Is your heart at rest? Romans 16:25-27

Friday In England, today is Boxing Day, a day to give little gifts to the people who make our world a better place on a regular basis, like the mail carrier or the person who cuts your hair. Consider offering a random act of kindness to someone today. Titus 2:11-14

Saturday Did you receive a gift you really can’t use? Instead of returning it, consider donating it to charity—or return it and donate the cash. (Or both!) 1 Samuel 1:21-28

Sunday Have you made your commitment to God and Church in the Circle for 2015? How will your gifts and talents be used in ministry to the Kingdom in the New Year? Revelation 22-12-16

I love you, not just for now, but for always, and I dream of the day you’ll gather me in your arms again. –Nicholas Sparks


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