Love comes down, Love reaches out.

As we give presents at Christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important part of giving. –Gordon B. Hinckley

This week, we lit the second candle in the Advent wreath, the Candle of Love. It’s only fitting; each week draws us closer into God’s loving presence, and each week’s message brings us to a new Kingdom task.

Last week, we were reminded that we are called to live as a people of hope. This week, it’s all about the two most important commandments: love God, love one another.

There are two other parts to those commandments that you may not have thought about. First, in loving God, let God love you. Of course, we have been taught since we were little, that God loves us. But have you let this message really sink in? In your heart of hearts, when you’ve had a lousy day and are feeling particularly unlovable, do you know and trust and believe that even then, God loves you? It’s true.

The second part is this: Before you can love one another, you need to be able to love yourself. We can be really, really hard on ourselves, can’t we? But if you’ve allowed your heart to believe that God loves you, even at your worst, then give yourself a break. Look in the mirror and see what God sees: a perfect child of God’s own creating, one God has called by name to be his very own.

Now you’re ready to go out and share God’s love with the world.

Monday Ponder today what it means to love your neighbor. Is there a neighbor in your life who is challenging to love? Pray for them by name. Luke 10:25-37

Tuesday Now stretch a little further. What might loving an enemy look like? In your local world, how can you offer Christ’s unconditional love to an enemy (or can you)? Romans 12:20

Wednesday Practice a random act of kindness today. Perhaps something as simple as holding the door for someone, or buying a stranger a cup of coffee. Proverbs 21:2

Thursday Today, take some time for yourself. Take a walk or spend some time just listening to favorite music. Love yourself. 1 Corinthians 16:23

Friday As Christmas gets closer, consider giving an extra gift to a charitable organization or the church. Allow God to guide your giving. Romans 13:5-6

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, be honest before God. Confess something that’s been bothering you. Be still and know God’s love for his child. Luke 15:8-10

Sunday Share greetings of Christian love this morning with your family or church family. Sing from your heart, and be glad! Romans 1:8

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. –Denis Waitley


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