My little light

There are two ways of spreading the light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. –Edith Wharton

Advent is upon us. This week, we lit the first candle in the wreath, the candle of Hope. Now we begin four Sundays of waiting, watching, listening—remembering when Love first came down at Christmas. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to perceive even a glimmer of light in the midst of a cold, dark winter, and even harder to believe my little light can make any difference at all in the world. Every headline, every story on the evening news reminds us how far the world has wandered from the loving good news of the gospel. Even on days when my light burns brightly, it barely lights my corner of the city.

In the face of expansive evil in the world and problems faced by people across the globe, it’s tremendously important to remember: I cannot do everything, but I can do one thing.

I can buy one book to donate to our local schoolchildren. 

I can fill one bag of groceries for the local food bank. 

I can buy a cup of coffee or a sandwich for someone whose stomach is chronically empty.

 I can let my little light shine with a hug and a smile. 

This week, let’s focus on the little things. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe my light will kindle a fire in another. Remember that old song from church camp? It only takes a spark. . . .

Monday Begin your week with gratitude. Instead of moaning or whining about it being Monday, pause and reflect on one good thing. Thank God. Philippians 2:14-16

Tuesday Make today a “Twos-day.” Choose two people with whom to share a bit of God’s love, whether through a smile, a joke shared together, or something more. Luke 3:11

Wednesday What can you do today to help someone “get over the hump”? How about offering a ride to someone who doesn’t drive, or spending time in conversation with someone who lives alone? Psalm 30:11-12

Thursday When was the last time you went through your cupboards and donated something you thought you’d eat but changed your mind? (Be sure to check the dates and throw away anything beyond its “use by” date.) Matthew 25:35-36

Friday Not everyone looks forward to Friday. Do you know a child (or grownup) who has a different home on the weekend? Offer them a loving smile as they go (and watch for their return). Pray for their time away. Proverbs 31:30

Saturday As you pray for yourself, reflect again on the many blessings God has given. Rest in God’s loving embrace. Ezekiel 34:25-31

Sunday This morning during worship, take note of someone who is missing. Send a card, make a phone call or offer to visit them. Include them in your prayers. Exodus 23:6-7

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. –Francis Bacon


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