Simplify. Amplify.

“Our life is frittered away by detail . . . simplify, simplify.” –Henry David Thoreau

When was the last time you stopped and took an inventory of your “stuff”? Did you know that in 2011, American consumers spent an average of $764 on Christmas gifts, for a grand total of over $600 billion? That the average American household credit card debt is over $15,000? All because somewhere along the way we began to believe that the more we have, the better and more worthy we are. Our value as human beings became tied to our net worth.

Here is a news flash:

Nowhere in Scripture does it say that he (or she) who dies with the most stuff—wins.

In fact, as we have loaded our camels with more, it becomes more and more difficult for us to maneuver that camel through the eye of the needle. We cannot take it with us.

Don’t get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with having a nice car and a lovely home—but none of these things adds one iota to your value as a Child of the Most High. God loves each one of us, period. And that never changes.

How loudly does your lifestyle truly proclaim the Good News of God’s love for God’s children?

Monday Begin the day with a walk, not for exercise, but to appreciate the glory of God’s creation. Wander slowly, with eyes wide open. Jude :24

Tuesday Pause today and remember those who came before, whether family members, close friends or a stranger who touched your life. Contemplate our connectedness over time. Psalm 22:27-30

Wednesday Be still. In the middle of summer, as life slows down a bit, stop. Find a quiet place and simply be. Listen to your spirit. Psalm 46:1-3

Thursday Go outdoors again today and look for a special piece of nature—a rock, a leaf, a pine cone—and study it closely using all your senses. Praise the One who gives such attention to detail. Joel 2:22

Friday Take a nap. Yep, that’s right. Take a nap. Listen to the rhythm of your breathing as you drift off. . . . Matthew 11:28-30

Saturday Today, just for fun, make yourself a folded paper fan like when you were a child. Decorate the paper before you fold it. When you finish, sit quietly—and enjoy. Praise God as you relax in God’s presence. Psalm 139:7-12

Sunday As we gather together, praise God for the good work happening in our church family. Matthew 22:37-40

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” –Henry David Thoreau


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