
The go-between wears out a thousand sandals. –Japanese proverb

The Chancel Renovation Project continues. The organ has been removed; construction of the raised platform is underway. And outside the Sanctuary, a new lift is being installed, to further validate UCUMC as a place where ALL are welcome. ALL the time.

What an exciting thing to be a part of! Fulfilling our pledge to create this new, accessible worship space is a Big Deal. It’s important that all God’s children have a place to gather and worship.

But remember: Coming together in this place is only one small part of being faithful. Our Sunday morning service is intended to be less destination and more fueling station.

Come on Sunday morning, like the woman drawn to the well (John 4). Come hungry or thirsty. Come questioning, like Nicodemus (John 3). Come, believing or unbelieving, like the father of the boy plagued by seizures (Mark 9). Come and feast on the Word, lift your voices in praise. Love and be loved.

And then, when you’ve “tanked up” for another week, go. Go out those doors, and love as you’ve been loved, give as you’ve been given to. Jesus was always on the move. He would go away to pray and be restored—and then he would be about his Father’s business in the world. And so should we.

Monday While we still have beautiful summer weather, position yourself tonight to enjoy a Lake Erie sunset. Whisper praise to the Creator. Psalm 104:1-4

Tuesday] If we are, together, the Body of Christ, imagine all of Creation, together, as the Body of the Almighty. What “part” are you called to play in this Divine organism? 2 John: 4-6

Wednesday When was the last time you truly put yourself first? How about today? (It’s okay, really.) Malachi 3:1

Thursday Listen today to the way you talk to yourself. Are you polite and loving? Pray that you might be gentle with yourself. Daniel 4:3

Friday Pause today and watch the birds. Appreciate their song, their plumage—and the gift of flight. Matthew 6:25-27

Saturday Today as you pray for yourself, focus on a bit of the past you need to let go of. Ask God to help. Isaiah 43:18-19

Welcome someone you’ve not met before. (Remember: you may be welcoming Jesus.) 1 Peter 2:12

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. –Howard Thurman


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