A little relief, please?

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.
–Civilla D. Martin

It is summer in Ohio, and it is (finally) hot. (How hot is it?) It’s so hot, sunshine pours down through steamy skies, turning the world into a sauna even on cloudy days. It’s so hot, exposed skin peels like Velcro from vinyl seat cushions. It’s so hot . . . even the robins are wearing tiny flip-flops so they don’t burn their feet. (Okay, maybe not!)

There are seasons, less predictable, perhaps, in our spiritual lives, as well. Sometimes we burn with passion for the Lord; nothing and no one is going to quench our enthusiasm for living. (Did you know the word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words meaning filled with God?)

But then the seasons begin to change. The fire may cool a bit; we may even seek a break now and then, a chance to “cool off.” It happens in nature, and it happens in our lives.

Yet even as summer gives way to fall, and fall to winter, God’s desire to be near God’s children never wanes. We may need a break; we may even turn away for a time. But rest in the knowledge that while God allows us the freedom to wander off to other pastures, the Good Shepherd always has his eye on Creation and on his beloved creatures. When we turn back seeking God’s embrace, God is always faithful—and always present.

Monday Take your “spiritual temperature” today. What season are you living in right now? Pray to God as you are drawn. Isaiah 53:1-2

Tuesday Take a moment today to observe an animal, whether it’s a pet or a squirrel in a nearby tree. Watch and listen; seek to understand its “language.” ­Genesis 11:1-9

Wednesday Allow yourself to actually feel and experience the warmth today. Is it comfortable or uncomfortable for you? Rest. Enjoy a cold beverage. Hebrews 12:28

Thursday A new month, a new chance to open your heart to the grace God offers. Is there an area where you seek forgiveness? 2 Chronicles 7:13-16

Friday We are called to be blessing in the world. How will you bless someone today? Be deliberate in seeking the opportunity to offer God’s grace to another. Give thanks. Genesis 12:2-3

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, take time to be aware of the beauty of God’s creation in this season. Savor the fruits of summer. Consider trying an unfamiliar food with an open mind. Acts 10:9-15

Sunday Come together for worship with a curious mind, an open heart and a voice ready to praise the Living God. Seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place. Genesis 28:16-17

Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. . . . Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. –Terry Pratchett


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