Long Road Ahead

“We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way.”—Robert Louis Stevenson

O Henry spins a wonderful tale of a fourth King, Artaban, who set out from a land in the East, laden with rubies, gemstones and a pearl of great price, all gifts for a newborn baby born under the sign of a star. But along the way to catch up with the other three, Artaban encounters Life: a hungry child in need of food. A wounded traveler in need of healing. One by one, Artaban sells or gives up his treasures so others might have life. He never connects with the other three, and arrives in Jerusalem thirty-three years late—as the Child he came to worship is flogged, cursed and crucified.

Now an old man, Artaban dies, believing he has failed. But then he hears the gentle Voice of the Lord. Well done, good and faithful servant.

For many of us, these recent weeks have been “all about the goal.” We have been so focused on Christmas, that much of the beauty and joy of the season has been diminished. The days following Christmas until Epiphany (January 6) are a time now for us to slow down again and journey with the Magi, following the star to the manger, where with them, we stop and worship the Christ Child.

Like Mary, we need time for pondering, a chance to appreciate and wonder at the new life the Spirit has created, is creating and continues to create within each one of us.

Monday As we journey with the Magi, ponder what you would take to this unknown Child born of Mary. What’s keeping you from offering this gift to God? Matthew 2:1-6

Tuesday Imagine the various travelers in the narratives—Mary and Joseph, shepherds, Kings—and their willingness to follow without question. Pray for a more willing heart. Matthew 2:7-12

Wednesday Matthew writes of Joseph, Mary and the infant escaping into Egypt. Pause today and pray for the safety of refugees around the world and in your city. Matthew 2:13-15

Thursday Pray today for children who are victims of violence and human trafficking. Pray especially for people living in South Sudan. Matthew 2:16-18

Friday Pray for world leaders and those in positions of power. pray for wisdom, compassion and generosity of spirit. Matthew 2:19-23

Saturday As you pray for yourself, thank God for the unique gifts you possess. Ask God to show you how these gifts can be employed to usher in the Reign of God. Matthew 3:1-12

Sunday Meditate on these words: “This is my child, whom I love. In him [or in her] I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16-17

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”



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