Less = More

“God is not found in the soul by adding anything, but by subtracting.” 
–Meister Eckhart

During Advent, as we focus on the event that marks the beginning of what makes a Christian, a Christian, there can be a temptation to add on, to look for one more thing to do to lead us closer to the manger. Maybe it’s a Bible study or a daily devotional—something.

There’s nothing wrong with these things, obviously. The problem comes when this “something” becomes another item on a Christmas to-do list, something to check off and be done with.

What if, instead of adding another item to the list, we deliberately shortened the list—and made extra space and time for God? Is there something you do “because we have always done it,” but it no longer feels right—or maybe even adds to the stress of the season? Maybe this is the year to just say no. And in the place of whatever it was, be still. Stop and rest. The journey to Bethlehem is a long one.

And who knows? Maybe, like the Grinch, you’ll discover that Christmas arrives, anyway, and the songs of the season ring louder and clearer than ever before. Let your heart grow three sizes and make room for the Saviour.

“The best prayer is to rest in the goodness of God, knowing that that goodness can reach down to the lowest depths of our need.” –Julian of Norwich

Monday This week we lit the candle symbolizing Christ the Way. Ponder what this means for you. John 14:5-6

Tuesday During this busy season, pause today and deliberately rest in God’s presence. Try to be still for at least five minutes. Reflect and thank God for the experience. Matthew 3:1-12

Wednesday Today, be very deliberate in letting something go. Whatever you choose, during your prayer time, hand it over to God. (No take-backs.) Isaiah 7:10-14

Thursday How do you feel about quietness? Today, if you are in the car, turn off the radio. In the silence, be aware of your feelings. Praise God. Habakkuk 1:5

Friday Take some time today to think about your life story. Be aware of what feelings arise. (Tears allowed.) Consider journaling. Luke 1:26-38

Saturday Today as you pray for yourself, reflect on your basic nature. Do you tend to be upbeat? Complaining? Patient? Grateful? Is there room for change? (Ask and see what happens.) Habakkuk 3:17-18

Sunday Notice today how you (and others) address God. Who is God to you: Father? (Mother?) Eternal? Spirit? Gracious? Jude 24-25


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