A Child Shall Lead

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of Christ the Light of the World to you.
 –Gaelic blessing

About thirty years ago, a pair of psychologists who also happened to be Episcopal priests did a study of infants and young children, and came to the conclusion that from the time we are born, every early articulation we make is prayer. We experience such intimacy of relationship with our Creator that every gurgle and coo, every kick and colic is conversation with God, or prayer.

But as we grow older and more self-aware, we turn more to one another, and less—to God. As parents, we see this in our relationship with our children. We even encourage it: “You can do it yourself! Go ahead!” And then one day, when we are all older, we realize the kids hardly ever spend time with us anymore.

I wonder if our Almighty Father feels the same way.

This week, all four candles have been lit on our Advent wreath: Hope, Way, Joy, and Prince of Peace. That is just one of many titles the Prophet Isaiah foretold would be given to the Christ Child at his birth. How will you be led by the Child this week?

* * * * *
Monday, December 23  Rest and reflect on the best Christmas you remember as a child. What made it special for you? Share your story with a friend. Proverbs 20:24

Tuesday, December 24 Is there someone you know whose simple presence is calming? Pause; think about what they’ve got that you want, and give thanks. Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, December 25 Set aside some time today, amidst the “orchestrated chaos” of Christmas, to be still. Reflect on a simple way you can carry the Light of the Christ Child forward into tomorrow . . . and the next day. . . . Nehemiah 8:10-12

Thursday, December 26 In Canada, today is Boxing Day; in South Africa, the Day of Goodwill. Ireland celebrates St. Stephen’s Day. All these holidays are opportunities for those who have more to share with those who have less. Will you participate? Matthew 5:2-10

Friday, December 27 Today, try to pray for someone you have never met. Ask God to open your eyes to the need around you. John 10:14-16

Saturday, December 28 In praying for yourself, today, affirm yourself as a beloved Child of the Divine. Silence the critics in the world and rest in God’s perfect peace. Matthew 13:44-46

Sunday, December 29 Today marks Christmastide in the church year, the season from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. Why not pause today and simply enjoy the beauty all around us? James 3:17-18

“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.” 
–John Lennon


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