Water, water, everywhere

 If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. –Loren Eiseley

A friend recently asked about preserving water from the River Jordan, so it wouldn’t go all skanky (a theological term) before a few drops were added to the baptismal font each time.

Someone suggested freezing the water in ice cube trays, then thawing one or two for each baptism. Smart, right? Then he continued to offer this reflection:

While it is symbolically cool to add a few drops from the river where Jesus was baptized to our modern day ceremony, it really isn’t necessary, because at some point, every drop of water on earth has passed through the River Jordan.

How about that. Every drop of water, throughout all time. The water that courses as blood through or veins was once part of the Nile, or even Lake Superior.

Talk about an effective recycling program.

For me, not only is this a wonderful, mind-boggling observation; it also connects us, one to another, over the course of history, further reminding us that those things which bind us together are far greater than those things that would divide us.

Amazing, isn’t it?

Monday Truly, water is the source of all life. Today, be aware of the many ways you use water in your everyday life, and give thanks. Psalm 118:1-2

Tuesday Think about running your fingers through a running river or brook. Imagine where that water has already been, and where it might end up tomorrow. Psalm 118:19-23

Wednesday The next time it rains, open a window a crack and simply listen. Isaiah 50:4-9

Thursday As he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus had plenty of time to reflect. If today were your last day on earth, what would you do? Psalm 118:24-29

Friday Imagine the deep thirst Jesus experienced as he hung from the cross in the heat of the midday sun, with no one offering him a drink of water. Philippians 2:5-11

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for God’s Holy Spirit, that sense of wholeness and peace that fills your soul when you are at rest. Luke 19:36-40

Sunday On this Easter Sunday, celebrate! Give thanks for the gift of life, and the salvation not of each of us individually, but of all of humanity, joined together by Love. Christ is risen! Luke 19:28-35


Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine. –Slovakian Proverb


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