A Thrift Shop way of life

 Economy, prudence and a simple life are the sure masters of need, and will often accomplish that which their opposites, with a fortune at hand, will fail to do. –Clara Barton


I was thinking yesterday about the Thrift Shop we have in the basement of our church. Everything there is freely donated by members and friends of the church. The shop has no costs to run it; the church pays its utilities, and volunteers operate the shop. Prices are extremely low; in many cases, the ladies will take very needy guests on a “shopping spree” and allow them to choose several items at no cost. (It’s a great Thrift Shop, and if you haven’t visited it yet, I highly recommend it.)

So then I got to thinking about God’s Reign, and our role in it. Everything we have is a gift from God. Everything. God give God’s Love so freely, the Psalmist says, that we shall not want.

When we have extra, then, shouldn’t we open our hearts and our hands and freely give to those whose needs are greater than our own?

Shouldn’t we trust that if we are generous, as God is generous, then when we hit a rough patch or a dry spell, God will make sure there is someone in our lives to help us through, whether we are in need of food . . . or shelter . . . or even just a shoulder to lean on?

Give a little, get a little. Look around. See what we have more of than we can possibly use—and open our hands, freely and lovingly. It’s the Thrift Shop way of living, and we are all called to volunteer.

Monday Give thanks today for those who lead our country and our world. Pray for their wisdom, and for peace in the world. Isaiah 43:16-21

Tuesday How close does God seem to you right now? Spend some time in silence today (even just a few minutes) and seek to draw closer. Psalm 126:1-2

Wednesday If you haven’t already, pray today for God to share how God would have you subtract or add to your life during these final days of Lent. Psalm 126:3-6

Thursday Remember today a time when you were particularly aware of God’s faithful presence in your life. (Try to think specifically). Philippians 3:8-11

Friday Find a way today to be a caretaker for your corner of God’s creation. Feed the birds. Start some herb plants from seed. Be creative. Philippians 3:9-14

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to show you reminders of God. They’re everywhere! John 12:1-3

Sunday Thank God today for the diverse voices and ways of thinking that find their way into your life, every day. Welcome someone in the name of Jesus. John 12:4-8


Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. –Khalil Gibran


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