Words matter.

 I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. But sometimes criticism can be hurtful. I’m a good piano player. I can sing well. I write good songs. If you don’t like it, fair enough. But give me a break. –Elton John

When I was in sixth grade, long before the internet, there were slam books. Do you remember slam books? Spiral notebooks with someone’s name written on each page. If you were in the book, you were assigned a number, so you could comment on other people anonymously, be brutally honest what you thought about them.

I remember when I first dared to go to my page and see what people wrote. I already knew I wasn’t one of the popular kids, but I had no idea how mean other people could be, even my “friends.” She’s smart, but I hate her hair! She’s friends with [that other girl]. How pathetic!

I remember asking one of my friends, who was also one of the popular kids, how she could be so mean. Oh, it doesn’t mean anything. Everybody does it.

Except God. God never had a slam book. If you flipped through the pages of God’s book, every page would have heart shaped doodles in the borders, and words of love. He’s so caring and brave! I did really well with this one! She’s my favorite—no, he’s my favorite! I just can’t choose. . . .

Each one of us is God’s beloved. Does God get sad when we are mean to each other? No doubt. But God never stops loving us. Does this mean we can do whatever we want? Well . . . you can do it, but it will have consequences. And besides- if you’re feeling God’s Love, you won’t want to do mean things. Just Love. Love—and Justice.


Monday Do it today. Write a love note. Send a card. Reach out to someone who has shaped your faith journey—and tell them. Jeremiah 17:7-10

Tuesday Think about who looks to you to guide their faith journey. Ask yourself: what do they see in you that points them to Christ? (Do more of this.) Psalm 1:1-6

Wednesday How often do you read your Bible? What is your favorite part? What part(s) do you struggle with? Find a friend and learn together. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Thursday What other sources mold your lifestyle? When you read, what sorts of books do you choose? Why? (No need to change, necessarily; just be intentional.) Psalm 138

Friday Treat yourself today. Do something different from your usual Friday routine—and enjoy. Journal about it. Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Saturday Look back over your week. Where in your daily living did you glorify Christ? Was there a time you fell short? Pray and let it go. . . . Luke 6:17-23

Sunday Come before the Lord today in gladness and gratitude. This is the day the Lord has made! There will never be another like it. Psalm 118:24


A truly good book teaches me better than to read it.

I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint.

What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.

–Henry David Thoreau



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