The little things.

 We tend to forget that baby steps, no matter how small, still move you forward. –Anonymous

As a child, I remember playing a game we called Mother, May I? One person stood with their back to everyone else, and everyone else was at the far end of the gym. “Mother” would invite someone, for instance, to take three giant steps forward. Before moving, we had to ask: Mother, May I? If we forgot to ask, it meant we had to go all the way back to the beginning. The goal was to be the first to get home to Mother.

Sometimes, people would get upset because Mother would only tell us to take one bay step forward. That’s not fair! How can we get anywhere with only baby steps???

But sometimes, that’s the very best way to move forward. If the walks are slippery . . . if we are trying a new food . . . even if we are setting out on a new spiritual discipline. Baby steps may be exactly what’s called for!

As Lent draws near, many folks might decide they’re going to read the whole Bible, Genesis to Revelation, during Lent. After a few days of rough going, the whole thing falls apart, the Bible goes back on the shelf and they end up feeling discouraged.

Instead of deciding to read the whole thing, why not set a goal of reading a few verses every morning, and a few more every evening? And if you find yourself bogged down in Numbers or Chronicles, skip ahead. Try another portion of Scripture.

Take a baby step or two, and invite someone else to hold your hand and walk together. I guarantee you’ll learn something—even if only a little bit at a time!

Monday What food do you remember absolutely hating as a child? If you haven’t tried it again lately, how about this week? Just a bite or two. Jeremiah 17:5-6

Tuesday Is there a book on your shelf that didn’t appeal to you? (Could be the Bible. . . .) Try it again. See if maybe it’s easier to understand this time. Psalm 1

Wednesday When you shop do you always choose the same colors of tops? Why? Try on a different color next time. (You might like what you see.) Luke 6:17-19

Thursday What’s your favorite genre of music to listen to? When was the last time you sampled something different? Go ahead. . . . Jeremiah 17:7-10

Friday Today, think about something you really, really like. What makes it so appealing to you? Did you always like it? Share your passion with a friend. Luke 6:20-23

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give yourself permission to take thins slowly and easily in your spiritual walk. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Sunday With so much diversity in the world, it’s unlikely we’ll ever try or experience even a fraction of God’s goodness! Give thanks for all that you have, and find a way to share more generously of God’s bounty. Luke 6:24-26


Baby steps count, as long as you are going forward. You add them all up, and one day you look back and you’ll be surprised where you might get to. –Chris Gardner


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