Yep. Even them. (Especially them.)


Of all the [churches] in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine. –Humphrey Bogart (adapted)


He was 66 years old, clean cut and polite. Introduced himself and told us he was from a faraway place, but was on his way home. He had been hitchhiking, but finding rides was tough. He needed sleep. Could we help him out with a motel room for a night?

Several Googles and phone calls later, we got him set up, handed him a mask and got ready to load him into my back seat for the short drive to the Holiday Inn. 

Then he started talking. 

Well, if you ask me . . . all this stuff is just a hoax. There haven’t really been that many deaths. And it’s not really that bad if you do catch it. And masks don’t really do any good, anyway! I responded that I’ve walked alongside too many people who’ve had it or lost someone they loved deeply, and reminded him to put on that mask before he got into my car.

Those were three long miles to drive. But at about Mile Two, we found consensus.

Well, if you ask me . . . between the government and everything else, they’re just tryin’ to divide us so we don’t get along. Amen and amen.

We can disagree without being disagreeable. We can feed the hungry who don’t think like we think. Everyone deserves a good night’s rest now and then, regardless of their political leanings. Love like Jesus; leave the judgments to God.


Monday Start the week of by praying to be more open-hearted and less closed-minded. Psalm 78:1-4

Tuesday Is there someone with whom you disagree, and need to sit down and talk? Healing begins in conversation (and listening). Ezekiel 18:1-4

Wednesday Take a deep breath today. Just breathe. Rest. Ezekiel 18:25-32

Thursday Pay close attention to the words that come out of your mouth today. Are they kind? Loving? True? Necessary? Philippians 2:1-4

Friday Time for a media break. Turn off the television, maybe even the radio—definitely the social media. God gets tired of yelling over that din! Philippians 2:5-13

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, remember: you have one mouth and two ears for a good reason. And your heart should be bigger than both. Matthew 21:23-24

Sunday Worship God today by helping. Whether you can work a soup kitchen or donate old clothes—or simply smile and be more loving—today is a good day for all those things. Matthew 21:25-32


I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure 

about what didn’t. –Albert Camus


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