Everybody's first time


The years teach much which the days never know.

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


Recently we watched that magnificent movie, Gone with the Wind. Between the beautiful panorama shots, the over-the-top costuming and all-star cast, it truly is unforgettable. A classic.

One line from that movie has kept inserting itself in my mind of late, as we all wander our way through this season of pandemic. It’s that line delivered by Butterfly McQueen, aka Prissy, in a panicked, high-pitched squeak of a voice:

I don’t know nothin’ about birthin’ no babies, Miss Scarlett!

Remember? Remember the chaos? Everyone thinking someone else needed to take charge? Remember how, in the end, Miss Melanie and the baby were all right, despite everyone’s inexperience. 

Kind of reminds me of this pandemic we are in.

Not a one of us has ever been through anything even remotely similar to this. Ever. We make mistakes. We yell, we cry—we make excuses for our actions. Sometimes we lash out in anger (or fear). But the one thing that remains constant, that we always need to come back to in our hearts and minds, is this: 

We love each other. We really do. Oh, we might not like each other sometimes, but at the core of our relationships—is Love. The greatest of all things—is Love. 

Be kind, friends. We will get through this, different but better and stronger and wiser than before. Hang in there—together.


Monday Just for today (longer if you can) do not let a single unkind word cross your lips in anger or impatience. (Pray.) Exodus 16:2-3

Tuesday Pause and look around. See what God is doing to bless this place (and you). Exodus 16:4-8

Wednesday Reach out to someone with whom you have had an unpleasant encounter recently. Don’t let it fester any longer. Talk. Heal. Psalm 105:1-5

Thursday Is there an old wound weighing on your heart? Write it down on paper—then shred, burn or rip that paper to bits, as God has done for you already. Psalm 105:40-43

Friday Today, just sing out loud! Don’t worry about how it might sound; just let your heart be filled to overflowing with joy! Philippians 1:27

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God for a kinder heart. (We can all use a kinder heart.) Allow God to show you where that kindness is needed most. Be God’s loving hands today.            Psalm 145:1-8

Sunday As you find new ways to worship, list five things that are better during this pandemic than they were before during “ordinary” times. (Was five too easy? Try for ten.) Jonah 4:4


The only source of knowledge is experience. –Albert Einstein


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