How did we wind up here???

Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you.
Be strong and choose to be positive. –Anonymous

What a peculiar time we are living in. Truly, some days up seems to be down. Truth is subjective; lies, verifiable and dangerous, run rampant. Beyond the challenges of this nation, the whole world seems, at times, to have gone mad!

How did we ever stray so far from the teachings of Jesus? And more importantly: how do we find our way back? Have we gone too far to turn it around? (Remember? Repent means to turn around, to do a full 180.)

No. Not ever. Not as long as we believe in a gracious God who loves us all unconditionally.

Our task is to accept that grace for ourselves, so that we can then extend God’s love to others.

It starts with the recognition of the value of every person with whom we journey, until we come to the realization and belief that in God’s Kingdom, there is no other. We are all siblings in Christ.

Start small. Start with your words. Speak truth to life. Offer a smile and a hand. Lift each other up instead of knocking each other down.

Life is so very short and precious. What can you do to ease the burdens of those you meet? Just as important: how will you keep from adding to the weight of the burdens we bear? (What would Jesus do, anyway? Do that.)

Monday Start the week with a look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you like what you see? (God surely does!) See the person God sees. Genesis 24:34-38

Tuesday Anyone you encounter today, offer a smile and a kind word. Take note of their response. Pray for them. Genesis 24:42-49

Wednesday Put together a bag of groceries for a local food bank. If you cannot deliver it, ask a friend (or see if someone near you could use some extra food). Psalm 45:10-17

Thursday Invite a friend over for a visit (outside is best). Wear a mask, and sit apart—but enjoy one another’s presence. Genesis 24:58-67

Friday As the weekend begins, you might decide to order in for dinner. Be a generous tipper. Zechariah 9:9-12

Saturday As you pray for yourself on this Independence Day, ask God to show you the best way to be both a Christ follower and an American. Romans 7:15-25

Sunday Check your gut this morning: as you worship virtually or live, are you worshipping God with your whole life? Are you honoring God by respecting one another? Matthew 11:25-30

When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad, they have to get better.
–Malcolm Forbes


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