Church on the Rise

Rise up, People of God!
Have done with lesser things!
Give heart and soul and mind and strength
to serve the King of Kings!
--Phil Keaggy

During this weird season of self-isolation, many folks have rediscovered the art of baking bread. There’s really nothing like it: kneading works your hands and arms; the smell of baking bread fills the whole house; the reward, slathered with butter or honey (or both). . . . Bread of heaven.

Jesus tells a brief parable about bread—well, really, about yeast. The Kingdom of God, he states, is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour, until it worked through all the dough. Sixty pounds of flour. My arms are tired already. But think about what this says about the power of yeast.

In a typical yeast bread recipe, it might take a teaspoon or two of yeast, and five to seven cups of flour. You stir in the yeast, and it simply disappears. . . . But as the bread rests, the magic begins. The dough grows stronger and lighter, filling the whole bowl. You punch it down—and it comes back again!

As followers of the Christ, we are called to be like that yeast: work in small ways to effect big change. Rest for a bit—recover from being punched around—and go back and do it all again.

Not all yeast is good yeast. Some does nothing; some can even ruin the dough. Yeast added and shared as the Love of the Christ will fill the whole world with its sweet fragrance. We need that fragrance, now more than ever.

Monday When was the last time you baked anything, from scratch or a mix? How about today? Even if it’s frozen cookie dough, turn on the oven and make good smells. Enjoy the smells—and the finished product! Psalm 8:1-4

Tuesday Do you have a favorite flower? (Mine is the iris.) What makes it your favorite? Treat yourself to a cutting of fresh flowers if you are able. 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Wednesday Fear is a powerful emotion. What do you do to calm yourself when fear tries to sneak in? 1 John 4:18

Thursday When your house or apartment is quiet, what do you hear? Turn off the TV; close down the computer and listen. Listen for your own heartbeat. Genesis 1:26-28

Friday Treat yourself to something special. You decide. A tasty treat? A special event? A call to a friend? How will you love yourself today? Matthew 28:16-20

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, look deep. Allow God to touch a wound you would just as soon deny exists. Feel God’s Love. Rest in thanksgiving. Psalm 8:5-9

Sunday Worshiping virtually is becoming a new normal (whatever that means). Reach out to a friend today and share a message of Faith, Hope and Love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

You have within you the strength, the patience and the passion 
to reach for the stars to change the world. –Harriet Tubman


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