Get away! (Closer!)

And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
 –Khalil Gibran

The current pandemic is making us all rethink a whole lot of things, isn’t it? Simple activities we used to take for granted, we now pause and question. Should I wipe down that gas pump—before I pump my gas? If I hold that door, am I still practicing safe distancing? How can I still let my parent/ sibling/ friend know I love them from a distance?

It’s tough. All this (relatively) new technology certainly helps, but at the end of the day. . . .

Oddly enough, I find comfort and companionship in my time alone. While Chuck is still asleep, I rest in the presence of the Almighty. I seek comfort in God’s Word, and also in those other, inexplicable things: the calm that descends over my anxious mind. Awareness of the beauty of birdsong, often ignored or drowned out by the busy sounds of life—yet now, clearly there for my ears! The playful purty purty purty of Papa Cardinal, the encouraging honks of geese flying overhead, in tandem or in flock. These things, for me, penetrate the curtain of loneliness that can surround us when times are rough.

Human relationships come and go. (I am very grateful for all the friendships in my life!) But the Word of the Eternal One is on display today, tomorrow and forever, far beyond the pages of the Christian Bible. Wash your hands—and take a walk!

Monday Take some time to observe something beautiful. A blade of grass. Snow on a tree. Flakes dancing in the breeze. The wisp of a cloud in the sky. And as you look, consider the Creator who is also your Redeemer. Ezekiel 37:1-8

Tuesday Today, look for beauty in the streets of your neighborhood. God is present in all places, not simply in Nature. As you look through God’s eyes, give thanks for God’s holy presence. Ezekiel 37:9-14

Wednesday (no joke!) Spend some time in silence. Listen for a whisper, a quiet revelation of the Almighty. Give thanks and rest in that place. Psalm 130

Thursday We are each a unique creation, designed in the image of the Creator. Take a moment and meditate on what makes you, you. How will you use your unique gifts in service to God? Romans 8:6-11

Friday Is there any place inaccessible to the Lord? (This is not a trick question!) Look for God’s revelation in an unexpected place. Praise God for eyes to see. John 11:1-6

Saturday Look in the mirror. Study the palm of your hand. Listen to the sound of your breath. Feel the beat of your heart as it sends life through your body. You are a miracle! Never doubt that you are precious in God’s sight. John 11:7-16

Sunday Focus on the many things we, as children of God, share in common. Imagine your beautiful family of faith drawing together in a virtual community, and give thanks. Peace be upon your spirit on this Christian Easter Morn. John 11:17-45

The false separation between living and giving must end.
--Simon Mainwaring


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