Find your own elephant!

Prayer is the most concrete way to make our home in God.
--Henri J. M. Nouwen

You probably know I have a thing for elephants. In seminary, in one class, elephants became the absolutely perfect (for me) illustration of how prayer should work. We have more elephants in this house than you can imagine.

Did you know I also have a thing for geese?

That’s right. Dirty, honky, poopy geese. Geese that will bite the hand that attempts to feed them. Geese that run at you hissing and flapping their wings.

Geese-- that are incredibly protective of their family. Geese—that mate for life, and mourn when their mate is killed. Geese—who fly in perfect formation, so no one goose has to work overly hard for overly long. When I see a pair or more of geese flying overhead, or hear their honking when I drive with the car windows down, it sets my heart at peace. This, for me, is a way God chooses to remind me of God’s presence.

But my geese aren’t necessarily your geese. My pachyderm isn’t your pachyderm. God will find a perfect way to show up in your life that is nothing at all like the way God appears in mine. But you have to open your eyes. And your heart.

Lent is the perfect time to discover what the Natives might call your “spirit animal.” Make an effort, over the next six weeks, to be open. Let God steer your vision. God is at work, and God will show you where you are needed. Open your eyes!

Monday Begin the week with a big prayer for unity of understanding and healing among the nations of the world. Give thanks for diversity of thought. Genesis 2:15-17

Tuesday Our own nation stands divided in many ways: over wages, healthcare and more. Pray, again, for healing of mind and spirit. Genesis 3:1-7

Wednesday The great state of Ohio is clearly not free from division. Pray fiercely for the leadership of your state. Allow God to speak to your soul. Psalm 32:1-7

Thursday Pray today for your neighbors in the community in which you live. Pray for a unified vision among community leaders and schools. Psalm 32:8-11

Friday How is your soul today? Where are you at peace? Where do you sense conflict? Ask God to unite your heart with God’s. Romans 5:12-19

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God where you are called to bring unity. Ask God to guide you. Matthew 4:1-2

Sunday Pray for The Christian Church. Listen and discern where Jesus is leading. Pray for courage to follow the Christ. Greet one another this morning in love. Matthew 4:3-11

When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. 
–Walt Disney


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