So, so powerless

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so. . . .
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
--John Donne

I have a confession: I have come to realize that I kind of enjoy officiating at funerals. I enjoy talking with the family, getting to know their parent or child or best friend through their eyes and their memories.

We weep together; we laugh together. And we begin to understand that one aspect of eternal life is the way we keep telling those stories, keeping that person alive in our hearts and with our words.

No one alive today is anywhere near perfect. So why are we afraid to allow our humanity to shine through when someone we love dies? Tell me your stories about the time they bought that lottery ticket—and won big time! The time the woman who won blue ribbons for cooking managed to forget to depressurize the pressure cooker slowly—and wound up with stewed tomatoes all over the kitchen ceiling. The time you walked in on your father, the strongest man you ever knew, crumpled to the floor, weeping and praying to God.

These are the stories that remind us: we are human. And we need one another and God. It’s the weaknesses and imperfect moments that add spice to our lives.

And we remember: in our imperfect state, God loves us and God uses us, anyway, to God’s perfect glory.

Monday Are you someone who scans the obituaries in the paper to see if you know anyone (or if you died)? When you see a name you recognize, what’s your reaction? Pray. Isaiah 58:1-4

Tuesday How do you feel about death and dying? Spend some time today in silence and listen for God’s promises. Psalm 112:1-9

Wednesday We used to celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday today. What do you suppose Mr. Lincoln would think if he were alive today? Pray for our nation and our world. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Thursday Does your local paper also list marriages and births? See if you can find that list of life achievements. Give thanks! Isaiah 58:5-9a

Friday Ah, Valentine’s Day! How will you share love with a random stranger today? How does it feel to be able to do this? Matthew 5:13

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, review your week. What small differences did you make (or fail to make)? Ask God to lead your review. Matthew 5:14-16

Sunday Look around you. We only have so many trips around the sun. Enjoy the time you have with those present with you this morning. 1 Corinthians 2:6-12

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. 
A person who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.–Mark Twain


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