Happy feet and Snoopy dancin'!

I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! (Where?)
--Old campfire tune

Joy. That deep sense of well-being and effervescence, it seems, that pervades our being, filling and carrying us in unexpected ways. There are a lot of joy-filled people in Scripture:

Sarah, who embarrassed herself by laughing at the angel's promise. When that child Isaac was born, I know her heart was filled to overflowing.

Noah's family, upon realizing the waters were receding, finally-- whew! Relief and joy-- and a fresh start.

The psalmist, realizing how great his LORD was, filling so many pages of our holy book with unbridled joy.

Peter, realizing it was the risen Christ preparing breakfast on the beach-- so overjoyed he splashed his way through the shallow waters, completely oblivious to any sense of decorum at all. That's joy!

But for all the joy-filled moments and stories in the Bible, in my opinion none tops the very first story.

You know-- the one where God looks around at all that God has created: the land and seas, the creatures, the sun, moon and stars. And surveying the beauty and bounty of Creation, God declares it all good.

And I believe, even today, through all the darkness and brokenness, still-- it is good. And it makes my heart sing with joy. Look around you. Where is your joy?

Monday How is your heart this morning? (Still beating!) Before you get out of bed, feel the life-giving rhythm in your chest. Give thanks. Micah 6:6-8

Tuesday What’s the happiest memory you have, the one thing that carries you through when thing aren’t so spiffy? Remember. . . . Psalm 15

Wednesday Hump Day. Take yourself for a little walk day. Go in a different direction. Say hello to a stranger. Smile at the sun! 1 Corinthians 1:18-21

Thursday Pause and really listen today. Are there birds nearby? Do you recognize their song? Matthew 5:1-3

Friday Reflect on the difference between joy and happiness. Do you regularly experience one more than the other? Pray. 1 Corinthians 1:25-31

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to lighten a particular burden you have been carrying. In the days ahead, be aware. Give thanks. Matthew 5:4-7

Sunday Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is joy, deep and abiding. Are you finding it this morning? (I hope so!) Sing out to the Almighty! Matthew 5:8-12

The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy. –Henri J. M. Nouwen


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