How much IS enough?

If you truly believe in the value of life, you care 
about all of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society. 
--Joni Earickson Tada

Jesus tells a story of a wealthy man who had such a good harvest, his barns weren’t big enough—so he tore them down and built bigger barns, only to then learn that he would die that night and never be able to enjoy his riches (Luke 12:13-31).

It never even occurred to this man that his workers might deserve a little something extra for their families, or that the beggars near the synagogue were going to bed hungry. He couldn’t see beyond his own selfish desires. How much is enough?

After the most recent mass shootings, I am left musing about the other meaning of that phrase. How much is enough?

How many more lives will be lost before meaningful legislation is passed by those whom we chose to represent our best interests and not those of private corporations?

How many excuses will we make that it’s not about guns, but about everything but guns? (I don’t want your guns. I don’t. But I don’t see the need for anyone outside a military installation to be in possession of assault weapons. Enough is enough.)

How long, O Lord, before our eyes are opened to the pain in your heart at our foibles and cavalier attitudes about the value of humanity—at every age and stage?

How much anguish, how much terror before we finally speak out as one, declaring in your voice: All are beloved children of God. All humans are created in God’s image. All creation is deserving of honor. Enough is enough. Lord, in Your mercy. . . .

Monday Start the week with an open mind. Try to learn something new today, even if it feels hard. Pray for a teachable spirit. Isaiah 1:11-17

Tuesday Listen to a voice you disagree with. Listen to learn more about what they believe. Pray for understanding. Psalm 50:1-8

Wednesday Today, pay attention to your soul. If you feel yourself getting angry or feeling afraid, pause. Pray until the feeling shifts. Genesis 15:1-6

Thursday Take a break. Get away. Sit outside. Listen to the sounds of nature in the city. 
Psalm 33:12-17

Friday Take action. Do you know who your senators and representatives are? Call, write or email them. Ask questions. Listen to their answers—but make your voice heard, as well. Psalm 33:18-22

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, ask God to show you where you are part of the problem, and how you might become part of the solution. Seek God’s peace. Hebrews 11:1

Sunday Light a candle today, in your church or in your home. Remember someone you love who is no longer with us. Rest. Luke 12:32-40

The ultimate value of life depends on awareness and the power of contemplation 
rather than upon mere survival. --Aristotle


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