Getting it right.

True independence and freedom can only exist
in doing what’s right. –Brigham Young

There is always someone willing to tell you: you’re doing it wrong! Most of the time, they really don’t have any authority to say so, but they do it, anyway. As a church, there are as many ways “out there” to “do church” as there are people. Some work; others, not so much. But we keep trying, and wondering why visitors aren’t beating a path to our doors.

Recently, hundreds of folks who visited a church and never came back were asked why. What bothered them about the churches they visited? Here are their Top Ten Answers:

  • An unfriendly/ awkward stand-and-greet time;
  • Unfriendly church members/ regulars;
  • Unsafe/ unclean children’s areas;
  • No place to get information about the church;
  • Bad/ out-of-date church website;
  • Poor signage;
  • “Insider” church language;
  • Boring/ bad church services;
  • Members telling guests they’re in the wrong pew;
  • Dirty facilities. 

This week, take time to look around. Ask yourself: If I were attending for the first time, is there “enough Jesus” here to make me want to come back? Then invite a visitor-- and see if they agree. . . .

Monday Think of the world around us is God’s sanctuary. Where could we do a little fixing up?
Psalm 23

Tuesday As ambassadors of the Gospel, how do our words match our deeds? Are we the best “greeters” for God’s Kingdom work? Jeremiah 1:4-10

Wednesday Do we truly believe and practice what we preach? (And is it truly the Gospel of God’s Love?) Where might you need a little shape-up? Psalm 71:1-5

Thursday How difficult is it for you to accept criticism or correction on a personal level? (How might you change?) Isaiah 58:9b-14

Friday Going into the weekend, what are you looking forward to most? What are you considering putting off till . . . forever? Let God help with your list. Luke 13;10-17

Saturday As you pray for yourself, ask God to give you God’s eyes to view the world, and especially, God’s children. Psalm 103:1-8

Sunday Now’s the Big Chance. After thinking during the week, look around. What needs help? What does your church do really well? Hebrews 12:18-29

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. –Hans Selye


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