No strangers.

I believe in the purpose of everything living,
that taking is but the forerunner of giving;
that strangers are friends that we some day may meet,
and not all the bitter can equal the sweet;
that creeds are but colors, and no man has said
that God loves the yellow rose more than the red.
–Edgar Guest

Recently, we were waiting for a table at our favorite Saturday morning breakfast spot when Liam arrived with his parents. Liam is almost eleven, we learned, and tall, like his parents, with the unmistakable characteristics of a child born with Down Syndrome. The lobby was crowded; Liam’s parents maneuvered their way to the desk and gave the host a name. Ten, maybe fifteen minutes, they were told.

Liam stood close by his mother, looking around with wide eyes. People were watching, waiting to see how this curious child would handle the wait. (Turns out he knew just how to handle it.)

Liam’s gaze fell on an older gentleman with a big, bushy mustache, seated next to us. Liam’s eyes lit up as he saw something invisible to the rest of us. He left his mother’s side, walked over to this man, smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck in a hug. Every single heart in the lobby melted.

As the man fought back tears, Liam touched that mustache. He had never seen anything quite like it. And we all laughed softly, taken in by the innocence. It was beautiful.

I think the world could use more Liams. Don’t you?

Monday Do you consider yourself outgoing or somewhat introverted? Are you comfortable around people you don’t know? Greet someone with a smile. Isaiah 7:10-14

Tuesday Find time today to sit in silence—but do so in a busy place, like a mall or another public place. How does this feel? Pray. Psalm 32:8-11

Wednesday It’s “Hump Day!” Do something special for yourself to get “over the hump." 
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Thursday Today, while you go about your routine, play some music you love. Sing or dance along. Know and believe that God loves what you are doing. Luke 15:4-7

Friday Spring is finally arriving in the northern hemisphere! Open a window; take a walk; listen for birdsong that’s been missing all winter. Give thanks! Luke 15:8-10

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to soften your heart to the plight of the stranger. Then listen deeply. Luke 15:11-24

Sunday Celebrate God’s welcoming, unconditional Love for all God’s children. Go—and do likewise, as best as you are able. Luke 15:25-32

Each one of us has friends that we
have yet to meet and really know,
who guard us, wheresoe’er we be
from harm and slander’s cruel blow.
They help to light our path with cheer--
Although they pass as strangers here.
--Edward Guest


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