An inside job

You can’t change what’s going on around you
until you start changing what’s going on within you.

It has been nearly twenty years now since we hosted Jorge, our foreign exchange student from Bucaramanga, Colombia. While he was with us, there were many, many problems in his country. He worried a lot about the safety of his family and friends.

I asked him one time: Have you considered leaving Colombia? Coming to a new country where your children could be born in relative safety? His reply was quick and certain. He told me the same thing his father had taught him and his siblings.

Jorge said many of his friends were doing just that, starting new lives in the United States or France. His father said that’s fine, if that’s what they want to do. And he could certainly understand their feelings.

But from the time he was a child, Jorge’s father wisely taught him that change never comes from the outside. True, lasting change can only happen when you are committed enough to stay for the long haul.

Take breaks, sure. Walk away when you need to. Sigh deeply; pray profoundly. At the end of the day, real, lasting change can only come from the inside. (Or, in Jesus’ case, from the margins.) 

Praying this week for my United Methodist brothers and sisters in Christ. Peace to your aching hearts.

Monday Give thanks today for those who lead our country. Pray for their wisdom, and for peace in the world. Romans 13:3-5

Tuesday How close does God seem to you right now? Spend some time in silence today (even just a few minutes) and seek to draw closer. Mark 1:35-39

Wednesday Ash Wednesday If you haven’t already, pray today for God to share how God would have you subtract or add to your life during Lent. Romans 15:5-6

Thursday Remember today a time when you were particularly aware of God’s faithful presence in your life. (Try to think specifically). Psalm 85:9-13

Friday Find a way today to be a caretaker for your corner of God’s creation. Feed the birds. Start some herb plants from seed. Be creative. Genesis 2:19-20

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to show you reminders of God. They’re everywhere! Judges 6:36-40

Sunday Thank God today for the diverse voices and ways of thinking that find their way to this Body of Christ. Welcome someone to this place in the name of Jesus. I Corinthians 1:9

There have been times I thought I couldn’t last for long,
But now I think I’m able to carry on.
It’s been a long time coming, but now, I know:
I know a change is gonna come. –Sam Cooke


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