Not so ugly after all. . . .

Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth. –Menachem Begin

When I was out Christmas shopping, I was astonished at the number of “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” for sale! Rack after rack, in all sorts of sizes and colors. Some were truly garish, with barely an uncluttered spot front or back.

But others, to my eye, weren’t really so ugly, at all. Oh, sure, there were plenty of sparkles and glitter, but I found the patterns of swirling snowflakes on a soft blue background to be peaceful and pure and lovely (at least by comparison).

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. And for those who have eyes to see, beauty is everywhere! Especially in unexpected places.

As we begin a new year together, I invite you to join me in a resolution to seek beauty in all things and in all people. To soften my judgmental heart and look beyond the seemingly unattractive exterior, to see the beautiful heart within.

Sometimes it’s easy. Puppies and kitties and cute little babies seldom trip the Ugly Meter. But what about the sullen, argumentative teenager? The hungry homeless person whose pungent body odor announces his presence? The angry, shouting protesters whose opinions couldn’t be more different from our own? Each is a beloved Child of the Most High; each is beautiful.

This year, resolve to look deeper. Resolve to see with the eyes of Love. Especially when you look in the mirror.

Monday The first Monday of a new year! Resolve to view Mondays as opportunities, not obstacles. Pray for joyful eagerness as we begin a new week. Isaiah 43: 1-2

Tuesday Go out of your way today to speak with someone who, to human eyes, appears very different from yourself. A smile, a simple greeting—a silent prayer as you pass. Acts 8:14-17

Wednesday Guess what day it is! (Hump Day!) Treat yourself today, if you are struggling in the midweek. If your week is going well, treat someone else. Psalm 29:11

Thursday Look deeply in the mirror this morning, beyond the inevitable wrinkles and spots. See through the eyes of the One who loves you, no matter what, and give thanks. Isaiah 43:5-7

Friday Look around you. In the midst of our winter, seek signs of beauty and life. Give thanks for the circle of life. Psalm 29:3-6

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to show you where you are needed. Are your spiritual gifts being used to God’s glory? Listen and look for doors that may open. Luke 3:21-22

Sunday Come, let us worship the Holy One—together—and give thanks! Isaiah 60:1

The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams. –Eleanor Roosevelt


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