Forget about the pastor!

Leadership is an art expressed by the demonstration of characters worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration. It is neither a title nor a position. –Israelmore Ayivor

Church-shopping is hard work.

When we find ourselves wanting to return to church after a long absence (or maybe for the first time), or needing to move on because our current church home has changed (or, more likely, we are the ones who have changed), we hardly know where to start.

The obvious thing to do is to ask our friends about their church. And inevitably, they will mention the pastor. After all, the pastor is the one who stands before the congregation every week, guides us spiritually, motivates us to be better people and generally sets the tone of the church. Right?

Absolutely. Sort of.

Ask yourself: if the person leading worship left unexpectedly, how would I feel about continuing to be a part of this church?

What is it about this congregation that keeps me coming back every week?

If the main reason you attend a church is only because of the personality of the pastor, pause and think again. Jesus did not bring the disciples together to worship him. Jesus came to point them (and us) to worshipping God in loving community.

If you find yourself drawn more to the preacher than to Jesus, you may have some soul-searching to do. And so should the preacher. The Church belongs to Christ alone. Amen.

Monday Why do you go to church? Think about what happened at church yesterday. What was the most important thing you took away? Psalm 107:32

Tuesday Think about other groups you participate in. What is the “glue” that holds those groups together? Psalm 66:1-2

Wednesday What makes someone a good leader, in your experience? Do you have leadership qualities you’re not engaging? Pray about this. 1 Corinthians 6:20

Thursday Spend time in silence today. Reconnect with the Divine. Ask God to restore your curious spirit that desires more of God. Titus 3:4-7

Friday Today, find a new way to be Jesus’ hands and feet. Offer food to a hungry person. Listen deeply to another’s story. Pray for them. Psalm 97:1-6

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, try to set self aside. Ask God to show you a need you can meet. Then—go. Ephesians 1:3-14

Sunday Come to church this morning with an eager heart, ready to hear God’s voice and respond. Worship! Praise! Psalm 8

It is not about whether you call yourself a leader or not. It is about what you have to show to people as a leader. Leadership is contagious. You carry it and you share it. –Israel Ayivor


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