Conversation stoppers

A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet. –Truman Capote

Does this ever happen to you?

You’re engaged in a Bible study, seriously trying to understand a challenging concept. Maybe it’s the story about the boy with epilepsy, whom only Jesus can heal, even though the other disciples have tried and tried. The father has stepped out in faith to admit: Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!

And as we begin to admit our own fallibility and uncertainties, someone in the group will pipe up: Well, he just needs to believe.

Or Well, the Bible says all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Everyone falls silent. You could hear a pin drop.

Yes, it’s in Scripture. But is it helpful? We allow our vulnerability to show, we confess that we aren’t always sure we have doubt-free belief in God (which, in my opinion, is A-Okay). Comments like this tend to silence the group; thoughts like I guess I’m the only doubter after all float through our minds. And the discussion, which had been going so well, abruptly falls to silence.

Sometimes, the Bible isn’t the final word. At least not until we have finished really wrestling with what it says. And what it means. And what the totality of Scripture says. And means. God speaks to us each in a different voice. Try not to interrupt while God is still speaking to others.
Monday How are you at really listening? Today, set yourself aside and listen deeply to a friend who needs to talk. Psalm 33:18
Tuesday Is there a passage in the Bible that is confusing or difficult for you? Reach out to a friend and discuss it together. (No right answers.) Jeremiah 5:1-2
Wednesday Fall is coming! Spend time outdoors today. Enjoy the weather with all five senses. Write about the day. 2 Samuel 22:1-4
Thursday Cocoa or cider? Apples or doughnuts? Indulge yourself in fall food today. Celebrate the variety in God’s creation. Deuteronomy 34:1-4
Friday Enjoy just sitting still today. Relax.Psalm 37:7
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, offer God your deepest fear or toughest question. Listen for God’s loving response. Give thanks. Job 40:1-2
Sunday Sunday worship means new friends and old! Greet one another in Christian love and praise. Even in the dying of fall, there is beauty and promise. James 4:1-3

I’ve become more comfortable, as time goes on, with saying goodbye because . . . I’ve been having so many conversations abou t the cyclical nature of life.It just keeps going. –Brie Larson


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